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about connection spaces

Proposal about connections
am quite conscious that the text needs more working on it - to clarify and simplify - but i am out for several days, so i put it in this early version -may work on it online if i can

General idea
Create a structure similar to what we have already created
Keep simple( replicate the action space concept with a translation
Allow establishment of a collective space about each connection and not just a visible statement
Allow to track connected action in a “directory of connections”
Have a formal registration of connected action in the connection space( with a possibility for owner to quit actions of the profile
Allow to connect many actions

connection spaces are a complement to local action spaces

Structural requisites

A - Create a new type of group : connection space
It is a Moderated group

Any person appointed ”moderator” of that connection space can “connect” actions of his action spaces to this group ( or only the actions he is author of)
The good points is that only moderators can connect – whereas other people can come in
( what is the point of coming in a connection space if you are not included in one of the connected action spaces??

Or,( milderversion)

Any person included In the connection space can “bring/replicate “ actions from its space
( or only his actions? Which would reduce this to the action space owners in many cases..)
the contents in it are copies of actions,
a connection description board ,
an expansion connection board ( where all message of asking to be invited are directed *)
( and other connection boards ? then the usual package of message images video, for participants

Management in the connection space
The header of the connection space is a “connection wiki” description which describes the connection and gives links to the various actions connected by this connection space
It is sticky to the top and co editable by all moderators in the connection space ( coming from various actions spaces )

The connection space is present in any country pages where an action which is “connected in it “is located

Admin created structure in a connection space
The connection wiki –the list of connected action visible is automatically edited in the connection profile
The connected actions view where connected action are visible and not editable
The rest is

It is not possible to edit “action” in the connection space –
Possible to edit “connections” in an a connection space
just edit one connection wiki , sticky to the top – a message log -
it is not possible to edit actions in it – real actions remain local and concrete, while discsusion and coordinations are the only activity that can be real in a remote way

B- “current connection space menu
Once inside a connection space, there is a menu on the side bar similar to action space My connection space - current connection space
“join and connect” you can ask to be included in it

C - (My) connection spaces -menu line with two tabs connection space I am , and the general list of connection spaces
“More about connections” info links ( as more about action space info link)

D – Create a Standard “connection wiki” in a connected action spaces
a “ connection wiki “ is created by admin , automatically created when the action space is created cannot be deleted
is accessed through overview list
so outsiders from an action space who want to make preliminary contacts know where to post exploratory comments about connection
not possible for owner to delete it -its author is “admin” – just can leave it void
it is a good place to Declare by a textual statement that your action space and the actions in it are ready for connection
would be good that the wiki be editable
use the possiblity to send comment about a wiki content, need to have notification about changes in the wiki

E - in home page “find connections”button
add the status connected in the find action search

F- change color of markers for connected activities in the map – connected actions (i-e visible in one conneciton space where there is at least two actions ) should be distinguisable

On the map
The connected actions ( I-e present in a connection space ) have a specific color - the number of partner connected is conveyed 2 3 4 …

G – Add links on the action display : connection board - our connections - connect( only for those having permission : the author)

My connected actions = I am author of them and connected them

Impact on participants in connected action space
They can enter in the connection space freely if an action is connected in it
They can creat contributive content

Description of connection sequence

1 - Browsing Connection possibilities and getting into the connection spaces
See list of “actions” with their respective connection status
Connection status of an action
No link to connection spaces yet
Included in a connection space but alone there
Connected to at least another action via a connection space

For each action there are three button
view –
send connection message (to the action space)
explore/join the connection space s of this action
(this leads to a page showing the connection space s if more then one
one can visit the connection spaces and ask to join on the sidebar

2 - Send connection message to an action ( can be on the action display itself)
( will be directed to the connection wiki space of the action space) - just text no sturcural action

Ask to Include yourself in the connection space
or create a new one (including an action necessarily
how can a dialogue be maintained technically - which notifications etc…

3 Informal approach phase before connection
Contact actions by messages and comments in their connection wiki in their action space inform about a connection space willing to invite them, or about the idea of creating an connection space together

When interested by a connection
And having spotted your partner actions
Then start structural operations

4- ask to be included in a connection space of an action you have selected
select the
this post a message in the “ expand connection wiki/discussion of the connection space
start a dialogue with the people

5 once you are included , connect your action

Menu in action space or on action display “ connect”
or on the side bar “ Connect (your) action in this space to other actions
this link opens a display of the actions existing in the current action space
have to select one action, then opt between 2 following options

5A - Connect this action to others through existing connection spaces

you need to be included in the connection space

1 - Connect this action in existing connection spaces in which you are included

the action is “replicated”/ linked to in the given connection space – with a message to connection spaces

what does this mean replicated

2 - Create a connection space, with this action in it , where to invite other action to connect to
similar to creating an action spaces – you become the owner of the newly created connection space and the copy of the action is visible in it
you need to be author of the action to connect it …

So the list of actions “present” in the connection space profile are detected as connected actions (

Formal visibility in the action space – status
The actions have a status “connected” displayed on their display–
and their connection space can be listed ( in the sidebar)

Alone in a connection space ( there is a connection space with the action registered in its profile and replicated and no another action )
The replica is noteditable it is just a replica of the action in the action space
Connected in a connection space ( there is a connection space with the action replica in it and another action )

Informal In the action space
The connection wiki can lead to links to specific content to explain the connection

Global visibility in the site

to be developped


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