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Set the return path for e-mail sent by a web server


this is set for us, but apache process (Linux user www-data) still is sending e-mail as

Won't send email

help with drupal sending mail

I think I've identified our problem:

php mail() set from address

problem is a bad return-path of

There's a module for that...


Searched words: 
return path for e-mail sent by webserver web server set from address email debian web server set from address email debian www-data sends mail e-mail fix email blackhole does not receive e-mail sender mail source drak


Mail server

To enable a server to send mail to the outside world in a reliable way for all its users is to setup the domain name and the mail server correctly. We must make sure that the fully qualified domain name the mail server uses is matched by a DNS record pointing to the originating server.

There is more than one way to configure the mail domain a server uses when sending email, e.g. by setting /etc/mailname or writing it to the mail server's configuration. By default the hostname is used which can be set with the hostname tool.

Debian's package installer prompts for a mailname during the installation process. For changing it later dpkg-reconfigure can be used. E.g. # dpkg-reconfigure postfix when postfix is your mail server of choice.

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