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Content Management System for

I have visited the both the company’s website and content management system site and have compiled a list of questions below that I would like to address during the meeting. Feel free to send these over to Ben ahead of time, or we can just bring them up during the demo.

Content Management System Questions:

* How easy / difficult is it to change a page

very easy especially if you're OK with very basic HTML markup
* Are forms customizable?
Yes, several possible solutions (CCK, webform, CiviCRM, completely custom)
o Customize the confirmation pages
Similar answers as above
o Auto responder email?
o How do we capture the data?
CCK, webform, CiviCRM, completely custom -- especially the latter three easy to export to CSV (spreadsheet)
* How do the templates work – what’s dynamic and what’s not
Anything can be made dynamic. In general, content itself, sidebar blocks, and lists of content are made dynamic, menus also are dynamic, while the design stays the same throughout the site and as you add pages
o Can we create dynamic links in the left or right hand column on specific pages?
* Does it automatically generate a site map?
Yes. A couple options (xml_sitemap meant for search engines, other solutions focus on human-readable, may need tweaking by Agaric depending on your needs, probably won't)
* Is there search functionality?
o If so, how are the results listed?
By relevance, or recency, or-- Agaric can customize this
* Do you have the ability to control and change:
o Browser
Um? Yes, any browser you wish to visit in.
o Page title
o Meta tags and meta descriptions per page
* Can you upload images in a content area? How easy / difficult is it?
Yes. Several approaches, some better than others depending on needs, in honesty this is an area that could be made more user-friendly– and by could be quite literally means can be with extensible open source free software such as Drupal
* Can you upload documents (word, excel, PDF, wmv, MP3) and create links to download these?
Yes. With per-filetype icons and other goodness.
* How do you create links to internal pages and external sites?
Directly in HTML or using a couple of optional systems.
* Email functionality? Auto responders?
Yes and yes again.
* Can you create tables, numbered / bulleted lists within content pates?
Yes. Directly in HTML of course, probably you mean automatically for entered data, and the answer is also yes.
* Can you preview a page before it is live?
Yes, and set up a workflow for others to approve.
* Is there a consistent style sheet used across the site (font face, size, architecture of page, bullets and numbered lists, etc.)
* Is there print friendly and email page functionality?
* How easy / difficult is to copy from MS word into the content management system – does all formatting remain the same or do you need to put in notepad first? Is there an HTML code sweeper that cleans it up?
Custom solution needed.
* What are the compatible environments – IBM, Mac, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc?
Yes. Not IE5 for Mac, I talked the last person out of using that a year ago.
* Who supports the software if we have technical problems with it or errors or if we have questions?
Agaric Design Collective, or any other Drupal shop or independent consultant you choose to hire.
* Do you provide training?
* Do we have the ability to create admin logins and change passwords?
* Is there any sort of web analytics with this? Can we add google analytics? How will this work when we add new pages?
Yes. The Google Analytics code is automatically included on pages as you add them.


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