User login


Critical information to hold onto for your web site

1: The login to the domain registrars hosting your web site domain name (

2: The login to whereever DNS (domain name servers) are managed for these domains

3: The login to e-mail address, and any e-mail address being used as the point of contact for any of these services.

4: The login to the website host.

These are things for which we really don't want a single point of failure.

Losing one's domain name is one of the most serious things that can happen to one's online presence.

Views display naming practices: don't rename the Default display

[note] The Default display is always the Default display. Changing its name will just confuse ourselves and others, and should not be done. [/note]

And in Views 3, we cannot change the name of the Default display anymore.

If this software keeps getting better and more intuitive, how am i supposed to <a">write about how to use it?

Getting a git diff with a relative path (no a/ b/ prefixes)


Do not show any source or destination prefix.


Display the word count of a piece of content

In the most useful comment on a thread of useful comments, Greg Harvey describes how to get the word count for a node in the template level: access just the body portion of the content variable for a node in and count the words in template.php, then output this variable in node.tpl.php.

Upgrading from Drupal 7 alpha to Drupal 7 alpha

Alpha to alpha upgrades are officially unsupported and the HEAD2HEAD module focuses on precisely that, continuous changes in CVS HEAD not upgrades between the alphas.

UPDATE: Head2Head does have an alpha2alpha module, use that. Consider the below a learning exercise... in examining existing modules that may solve your problems carefully!

Newer update! See Upgrading from Drupal 7 alpha 6 to Drupal 7 beta 2.

Prevent twitter from shortening URLs

If you've really got all your ducks in a row, your URIs will be short to begin with. You'll have followed the suggestions made back in the early 90s that URIs should be concise and never change. Planning for that type of scalability is a bit challenging and definitely has its long term rewards.

Finding fixed-width fonts

Courtesy mgifford:

grep -ir px themes/seven/* | grep font


Why they aren't wanted:
Thread: WCAG 2 and browser ZOOM and font units (link courtesy Everett Zufelt)

Drupal 7 and Views 3: Coming soon (already) to a website near you

Earl Miles (merlinofchaos) Views 3 Roadmap:

Views 3 is ported and working for Drupal 7.

dereine (Daniel Wehner) has been making many of the 7.x commits.

The goal is for Views 3 to use CTools as a dependency, but CTools is still in development for Drupal 7:[]=103

Typography session by Samantha Warren



Archer - an excellent, versatile font based on Rockwell. She calls it the Converse All Stars of fonts.

Typography example page for Drupal sites

Typography test page, such as here:

People are operating off a template pasted into a node, it seems, and while copying the source should work fine there must be the original example and it could be made a module :-)

Update: I've done a simple version of this module.

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