User login


Dates of joining for first registered users

There is no accurate registration date information for the first couple years, the first couple thousand users, of's history. There is even a discrepancy between the posted "Member for" dates and the apparent launch of the site.

Between users and the date of registration (time on site, or "Member for") jumps by two years and two weeks.

Server blocking someone who should have access? Try etc/hosts.allow

Blocked and receiving an error "ssh: connect to host" "port 22: Connection refused", Stefan added the IP address where this was not working to the hosts allow file, and explained the system.

There's two relevant files: /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny

/etc/hosts.deny is updated by the denyhosts package based on attacks and suspicious behaviour. it can be overridden by /etc/hosts.allow

An entry consists of a service, such as ssh, and a number of IP addresses.

Git revert a commit

To revert a very simple commit, this is enough:

git revert ba24a3fdeae4a3a034691308171d798d2ddbf93e

Where that long string of characters is the ID of the commit you are reverting.

For a more careful approach to a complex revert, read on...

(if things go horribly wrong we can throw out this branch-- note we may have to commit everything in the branch in order to switch to another branch and delete this one with git branch -D revert-alpha-6

Do not link to the page we are currently on

Is this a generally accepted concept that links on a page should never go to that page itself?

Found this: "No link in a menu should simply reload the page itself"

How to do it:

Menu System - Drupal API

Export and re-import a database with Drush and the command line

These are run from the project's web root, example/web, so that drush can run, but the database itself is stored outside the web root, example/db.

On the export side:

drush sql-dump > ../db/development.sql

On the import side:

drush sql-connect < ../db/development.sql

expands to:

mysql -hlocalhost -uexample -pyMsx2rIP drupal-example < ../db/development.sql

Strongarm usage notes

Strongarm does not have its own administration page (that does anything). Add variables to your export by going to the Features administration page.


Ubuntu keyboard shortcuts

I've been using Ubuntu part time and it took me forever to find these critically useful navigation-aiding shortcuts:

ctrl option [left arrow, right arrow] switches desktops

ctrl option shift [left arrow, right arrow] switches desktops taking the active window with you

option tab (and option shift tab) cycle through the open windows on a desktop in most recently used (and reverse) order.

An interesting RFP for a Network of Networks:

The primary goal for the new is to be simple and flexible. We are an organization that is always changing, and we expect our web site to be able to evolve along with us as we expand, experiment, and learn together. In our request for proposals we outline a number of specific approaches that we think will help us accomplish our mission effectively, but no single feature is as important as the need to keep the site easy to manage and simple to change in the future.

Editing and signing PDFs with free software on Mac OS X

Snow Leopard's Preview can add text but it cannot add an image into a PDF document. I tried.

This free software can:

Once a PDF is opened in FormulatePro (yes it really is fully free and open source despite the name), go to File » Place Image...

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