User login


Fluid app gotcha: if setting the app to start at a specific page, must allow browsing to other of the site's pages

An internal login confirmation page for a site i wanted to use as an application in Fluid kept opening in a new tab in my default browser.

This seemed an extreme limitation so i started clicking through the preferences. Under Advanced Preferences i found "Allow browsing to URLs matching these patterns" and edited it to allow the entire site.

The problem had been that i made the application go to a specific page of the site as the starting page, and Fluid had used that to make its allowed pages rule.

The benefit of contracting with a collective over hiring an employee

Hello ________,

Thank you for following up.

No one at Agaric is looking for employment but the collective is available for contracting. Some companies find that a long-term contract with a small, Drupal-focused collective gets them the best of both worlds: a stable relationship with a primary contact who learns the ins and outs of their system plus the ability to draw on the skills and resources of a team as the needs of the project demand. Please let me know if you are interested.

Agaric's policy on releasing code

[We wrote this to a potential new client in 2007.]

I do want to address one item in the request for information early on:

"All business plan, content and code are confidential and are to be owned by
the client and released at their sole discretion."

The only issue here is with "code".

Undo a git add - remove files staged for a git commit

git reset filename.txt

Will remove a file named filename.txt from the current index, the "about to be committed" area, without changing anything else.

To undo git add . use git reset (no dot).

Features cannot update the names of roles

Features stores Drupal roles as their string name, not their ID. This is so that they are in theory exportable (like Views, variables, and - when enhanced by features_extra - blocks and vocabularies). Naming something by a machine name rather than an autoincremented numeric database ID allows

However, the only information carried with a role is its name! Therefore, trying to take a role name change from one site to another results in the following:

Super-annoying Firefox fail on Mac OS X when any kind of JavaScript alert occurs while print or save dialog is open

A mozilla magazine forum poster, gensym, described it well on March 8th, 2010:

A concrete example is when the "extended running time of a script" is caused by (or triggered while) a File Save dialog is open: the unresponsive script warning dialog will then pop up logically _behind_ the File Save dialog (at least in Mac OS X, panther (10.3) through leopard (10.5)).

Browsing the Drupal database

Moshe on browsing the database at the Boston

He uses the Mac program SequelPro (completely free and open source).


Find $db_url in settings.php

username, password, host, and database name.

Can put this data into Sequel Pro.

Bottom line: as long as you have a backup, do not be afraid to fiddle with your database!

Where can hook implementations be placed so that they are called?

.module files or any file mentioned in the module's .info?

Excellent, excellent questions from Randy Fay:

23:30 rfay: Can anybody instruct me about where hook implementations can be placed in D7?
23:31 rfay: Can they be placed in any file listed in the info file's files[] ?

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