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Earl Miles (merlinofchaos)

Drupal 7 Advanced AJAX Tips and Tricks, presentation by Earl Miles at BADcamp2010

Slides and code:

Drupal 7 combined the existing system with one Earl wrote for CTools.

Not covering form today (#ajax). Earl doesn't like

How you build an AJAX request and what that means.

How do you respond to an AJAX request: server-side, PHP code. 'delivery callback'

Views display naming practices: don't rename the Default display

[note] The Default display is always the Default display. Changing its name will just confuse ourselves and others, and should not be done. [/note]

And in Views 3, we cannot change the name of the Default display anymore.

If this software keeps getting better and more intuitive, how am i supposed to <a">write about how to use it?

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