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Fix organic groups e-mails to subscribers to come from actual poster (commenter not original node author)Fix organic groups e-mails to subscribers to come from actual poster (commenter not original node author)
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on November 18, 2007 - 8:41pm
Filed issue: http://drupal.org/node/193348
Currently under "E-mail settings" in organic groups the options for "Format of From: field:" the tokens available include:
@user_mailThis is great for the initial post, but replies to that post have the initial node author's name in e-mail rather than the commenter's name.
In my opinion the current behavior is incorrect but if people want to preserve it two new tokens, @poster_name and @poster_mail should be introduced. These would use the name and e-mail of the immediate poster in e-mail sent by the site for new nodes and reply comments.
Agaric for World Social Forum 2008
Searched words:
organic groups send comments e-mail with reply name
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