Drupal 7 overview (Lullabot video notes)
Notes from the Lullabot Drupal Overview video (which is free until Wed. Jan 12).
minimal has no optional modules enabled nor any content types. Nor is the administrator role set up for you.
master-slave replication
any database that PHP can support, which includes Oracle and MSSQL (Microsoft)
built on top of PDO which comes with PHP 5.2+.
Drupal requires PHP 5.2.4 or later
PHP 4 is dead.
User 1 is still special
Time zone handling support! including daylight savings!
Security improvements
- password hashes are salted (meaning, it is actually unique)
- unique key for cron.php to make Denial of Service attacks more difficult.
Note: that means you can't run it just by going to example.com/cron.php like you used to.
Jeff Eaton: high level sites already protected cron.php with .htaccess)
redesigned information architecture for site builders and administrators. The things that people do all the time got their own
module developers can flag things as admin pages; they will open in overlay if enabled, and use the admin theme if one is enabled in any case.
configuration links for modules on the Modules page.
Contextual links for all sorts of stuff
- a link to edit the node wherever it shows up, or to configure a block from wherever it shows up
Permissions have normal names and descriptions-- angie's patch.
Filter permissions are on the main permissions page.
Bypass access control (edit and delete anything) split out from administer content (the ability to see all content, inc. unpublished) and use the admin/content filter and actions page.
Ability to re-order roles
it shows the non-anonymous when the authenticated user role is
Tags preconfigured
Edit summary link (rather
text formats explained
- many tiny UX improvements
Image upload in core (as a field)
Vertical tabs
- with summary before you even go in there
the State system lets us when, defining a form and when
an API for modules - check off a box, and
imagecache - caching image sizes - in core- called image styles.
can rotate as well as resize and crop
other modules can provide their additional defaults, but they can assume that thumbnail, medium, and large already exist. You always have them
shortcut bar, can set up shortcut sets by role [or by user?]
using the + that shows up on every page-- adds that page as a link to the shortcut bar, whichever shortcut bar is active.
Not meant as a personal bookmark tool, meant to be set up by admins.
dashboard - can add blocks and drag and drop them around (thanks to JQuery UI)
could use Views and Views Bulk Operations to create your own moderation blocks in your dashboard.
Any block available to Drupal can be put in the dashboard
can add fields to comments
can choose between public and private files on a per filefield basis.
contributed modules can add additional storage options-- such as AmazonS3.
Working breadcrumbs! Even on really deep administration pages!
can add tags to users
and can add tags to tags!
can add extra text, image, files, whatever to taxonomy terms
or use the Link module and add links
Profile module was not killed, just mortally wounded.
- it did registration form, listing pages
entities - a layer above node etc.
- following a long trend-- poll and other things that are now nodes were once different things entirely, joined abstract concept of node
pluggale field storage
administration theme - also what is used in the overlay
change administration theme on the admin/themes page
stark is stark naked. a way of looking at Drupal's default markup.
- also useful for Drupal module developers
- and allows easier discussion of default templates
RDFa support a means of marking up content in a way that machines can read and process
e.g., fivestar could mark up its output so google can understand it
short story: built-in SEO
we now brag that Drupal is the generator of the site in the head meta tag, generator = Drupal
much that the Zen theme did is now in core-- intelligent body classes that apply to the whole page, such as how many sidebars are shown,
can do more than ever with CSS without having to
Color module improved [look up guys name]
different colors for each region
possible to make shockingly ugly sites very quickly
an easy-to-miss link at the top of admin/modules and admin/themes - to install new modules.
Update through the UI too.
you can turn that off in settings.php
D7CX pledge
Jeff: report bugs!
test bot tests patches (a patch is a file saying remove these lines, add these lines; it is how Drupal core changes)
the test module that the test bot runs is included in Drupal core.
you can write tests to make sure your site and modules work as they should, and test your site after you make changes
Drupal 5 is no longer supported.
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