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Ask Agaric: Max Allowed Packet errorAsk Agaric: Max Allowed Packet error
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on August 16, 2008 - 12:17am
Also do you know about this error?
User warning: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes query: UPDATE cache_form SET data = 'a:56:{
I haven't seen it on example.com, I've seen it on other sites. I started one of the longest issues in the drupal issue queue from that error! http://drupal.org/node/121390
But as neither CCK nor Views are in use with the present example.com demo site, that must be something different!
The max_allowed_packet mysql setting can be increased on the server, so that's definitely an early place to see about resolving the problem.
On reducing the load on the Drupal side:
Where did this error appear?
Can you show the whole error?
Searched words:
max_allowed_packet warning in cache
read max allowed packet setting with PHP
There is a module for that
sort of. For MySQL 4.
http://drupal.org/node/379976 => Increase MySQL max_allowed_packet for MySQL
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