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Linking to other content on a multilingual site

"Also... how do I link a page I created in another page?"

For linking to other content on the site, I wanted to research what's best on a multilingual site, and haven't had a chance yet. But I'm fairly certain the best way is to do it directly to the node in the relevant language (in Drupal 5 each translation gets its own node, sadly) and to skip the language prefix.

Steps for translating content (draft help docs)


Ben, Dan Also it would be nice if you could give minimal indication for dummies about how to properly translate english pages ( into better than survival spanish and french) - i have tried to translate action earlier and am [not] sure i succeeded

Internal direction: document how to do a translation and post it to the Agaric site, we can point people to it.

Absolute Priorities

Just posting this for hysterical posterity... this is the task list that sunk our deadlines:

Dear Ben, Dan,

I have been in Rome all day and came back home late.
I went on the site and was surprised to find that our main priorities are still very behind.

So, to be clear, I am listing them again and would like an answer for each:

1- creation of country "portals" accessible from the home page with country button or other method.
They should be as described in the first powerpoint we sent you, with a map, list of actions, etc.

Drupal forms: don't forget your tree

    $form['place_taxonomy']['#tree'] = TRUE;  // this was so important and so easy to overlook

Conditional workflow steps depending on user input

Going back to the organization, that's a good idea, a separate page for people who check org rep. That's a conditional redirect based on user input, which we have to look into.

The example in the documentation for the workflow-ng module suggests this is quite possible, to do different actions depending on a result of a user selection in the previous form.


Amazing places? Towards an open database of location data.

Combined with community-managed taxonomy, I can see this making it possible for us (Drupal users and people who care about open knowledge) to create our own definitive geographic listing.

Right now place module only understands points, but once I understand geo well enough to use that method of storing location information instead... I'm sure it too can be democratized to allow the feedback of millions of people to identify what's where.

I'm at latitude and longitude such and such, and I am inside Natick!

Agaric would host a server to aggregate the votes...

Drush problems with... json?

PHP Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
drush 5.x-1.0-beta4

Followed these instructions (modified for Apache) but they didn't help.

(If you've installed the module php5-json and get warnings like this one:

PHP Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

it means that the module got loaded twice. Open /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini, scroll down to the end and comment out the line

Group owner cannot abandon group

Pierre was concerned about group originators abandoning a group. Here's the message you get on a group's subscription page on if you are the one who created the group:

You may not unsubscribe from this group because you are its owner. A site administrator can assign ownership to another user and then you may unsubscribe.

So while an Organic Groups group owner can assign co-moderators, they can't reassign ownership. But a site admin can.


Asking for help on maps


Dear Green Maps,

I'm with a group working on the World Social Forum 2008 global call for
local action web site, and we were wondering if you had any advice /
resources / ability to help available on the mapping side.

For instance, we haven't figured out yet how to show all nodes even when at
a distant zoom. The other thing we need to do is throw in short
descriptions etc. in that pop-up, but haven't gotten to trying that yet.

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