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Absolute Priorities

Just posting this for hysterical posterity... this is the task list that sunk our deadlines:

Dear Ben, Dan,

I have been in Rome all day and came back home late.
I went on the site and was surprised to find that our main priorities are still very behind.

So, to be clear, I am listing them again and would like an answer for each:

1- creation of country "portals" accessible from the home page with country button or other method.
They should be as described in the first powerpoint we sent you, with a map, list of actions, etc.

2- action registration, a 1 step process where you define title, description, location, and a few multimedia attachments. The creation of an action group about that action is either automatic and "invisible" or optional and requested by who is registering.
The Audience has no sense during registration of the action: when there will be hundreds of groups, the form will be totally unusable with an endless list of Audiences...
Pierre has tested extensively, and we are still very puzzled about how the workflow looks like.
I have just registered a few actions - test 6 and test 7 - and am very confused: there are double titles and descriptions, no more localisation so no map, etc.
I added a picture... but I don't know where it went...

I know you're working on it... but I'd like to be sure that at the end we have the same result in mind!
In particular, will actions have "headers" when they are action groups (not just title, but also description, etc.
How is the multimedia content attached to the action? How is it visible?

3- Debugging of the map
It still does funny things, like scrolling down when you click on a flag, or scrolling to the right.
Again, if you need help for this, just ask.

There are tons of other things, but I think these are the most urgent.

Please answer me asap.
I am preparing a report for the International Council meeting in Belem next week where I will present the website.




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