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Where is the Semantic Web?

Here I am, a wildly successful web developer, with "wild success" defined as "receiving money," and I want to publish a book review on my blog.

So of course I read the Wikipedia entry on Semantic Web.

And several hours of research later, I'm still not quite sure how to write up a book review, with author and publisher and ISBN and all that exciting information encoded in a way that tiny little people in mechanized bloodhounds (or however search engines and aggregators work) can find it when searching for such info.

The secret, long, hard, complex method for getting a new microformat:

More than one on a page, or including authors rather?

It gets more complicated, there's a proposed citation microformat:

When I figure stuff out, I'll have to report back here.


The answer?

(Will have to ask what DrupalBooks is doing.)


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