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Virtual actions on WSF2008?

Agaric conclusion: using the same action spaces and actions -- meant to be located both in time and on a map -- for virtual actions is not a good idea.

"we are interested in creating something that will enable our members
around the world to participate virtually in the WSF 2008 day of action

that is interesting ... and could be welcome in an extended use of wf2008
participate "virtually" .....
1 - means they do not participate in the real actions , and act inthe
( would be nice anyway if they show up in some. real world actions...... )

"our members" this is a global online activist network, and we
maintaining the wsf plurality in the cyberworld (avaaz is one actor among

2 - they want to set up "virtual actions" - where ?
so there could be in wsf2008 a "mapping of the cyber world " as we have
tried to "map the actual world"
wiht a list of places where to act virtually
-countries called "*second life" , "*myspace", "*" "*you
tube" "* general internet( the most common one) " etc... each
corresponding to existing *virtual spaces"
-region /towns could be " thematical or category regions" of those big
sites ??
- towns would be exisitng extendable " virtual communities"

3- ( we as admin would have to create these virtual countries region towns
the list of virtual countries could be wiht a * at the end of the country
list (node 555) *myspace,*general internet etc.

we can use ocean zones to locate actions in the cyber world in tiny
islands - e -g *my space would be in tristan da Cunha ( south atlantic)
there is already a imaginary antartica (located in diego garcia island
indian ocean ) to create some sample action space for information and
training purpose

4- virtual actions towards whom ?
-" actions" would be as avaaz says " petition " - marches etc... directed
to "actors" in the cyberworld ( insitutionnal sites, media site etc..)

some tags to capture those actons - e-action e-petition e-initiative

example of virtual actions
direct 100000 message to white house - direct 1000 video to you tube
etc.... - create a huge group world social forum conspicuous in myspace
- stimulate 1000 people from orkut to register personnally on wsf2008

5 -inwsf2008
so a (virtual )action , as any other action , would be occuring in a
and people would "act" in the virtual world,

they would present their virtual action, in
they would be guided to their phusical place through a *country page ,
locate their action in the map in somepart of the ocean corresponding to
their *country
they would organize their virtual action in a wsf2008action space or
any other collaborative site they want
they would report about it , in thier actionspace in (
interesting : sending images of the cyber world ......)

virtual action sector might end up a high yield sector in wsf2008 ....

Pour :,
cc :
Objet : - virtual mobilization for 2008
"Graziela Tanaka"

Envoyé par :

28/11/2007 11:26
Veuillez répondre
à webteam

Dear Ben and Jason,

I talked to Diego from the WSF office in São Paulo earlier this week and he
passed me your email. I work with a global online activist
network that campaigns on a variety of political issues (check out

Since last year we have been talking to the international committee about
collaborating with WSF to bring the mobilization efforts to a virtual level
on a large global scale. This idea seems to fit in perfectly with the 2008
initiative of decentralized actions around the world.

We have created a number of online tools for collective global actions such
as - photo maps, send a message to your leader, petitions, global virtual
marches, etc. and we are interested in creating something that will enable
our members around the world to participate virtually in the WSF 2008 day
of action events.

Please get in touch, I would love to exchange information about what you
have so far and what we could create to complement the mobilization

Take care,


Graziela Tanaka - Brazil



Agaric conclusion: using the

Agaric conclusion: using the same action spaces and actions -- meant to be located both in time and on a map -- for virtual actions is not a good idea.

please Ben explain more the reason for your statement .(.. virtual action are located in time and somehow located in the cyberspace)

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