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Views calls to clear its own cache a little more often than it needs to

Views calls to clear its own cache a little more often than it needs to
Every time you visit the modules page, rather than just when you save it (which is also too often theoretically, but possibly)

Seems this could be made more precise.

Views module, starting line 21:

  if ($may_cache) {
    // Invalidate the views cache to ensure that views data gets rebuilt.
    // This is the best way to tell that module configuration has changed.
    if (arg(0) == 'admin' && arg(2) == 'modules') {


at least add a check for 'list' and 'confirmed' for args 3 and 4?

[with a patch added to do this is the way WSF2008 is running right now... every avoidance of clearing the cache is so important with two dozen languages!]



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