Using CVS for developing modules
We can commit to CVS and use it just like we use subversion to manage our sites. No more trying to develop a module in subversion and contribute changes to CVS, just do everything in CVS. It's not that much worse than SVN.
Don't believe me? Watch:
In the home local checkout:
Ebony-II:enabled_modules ben$ cvs commit -m "Implemented feature request 1 to show module paths and 4 to list formerly enabled, now disabled modules from ; also moved listing page to admin section ; and added more help text"
cvs commit: Examining .
On the test server:
ben@server:/sites/livingconversations/www/sites/all/modules/enabled_modules$ sudo cvs update -r DRUPAL-5
And then you can put it back to a stable version (on your own test site, none of this upsets the official release, assuming you have set one, so you are not inflicting dev code on downloaders.)
ben@server:/sites/livingconversations/www/sites/all/modules/enabled_modules$ sudo cvs update -r DRUPAL-5--0-1-ALPHA
See also
(Alan found) - page on module maintenance with TortoiseCVS.
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