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Initial project statement for Related Content module

~ In living, loving memory: ~

Related Content will make it so easy to relate two pieces of content on a site that people who have never participated on a website before will make connections between information, ideas, or actions that make a positive difference for everyone in the community (and maybe even change the way we think or act).

Planned features:

~ In living, loving memory: ~

Related Content will make it so easy to relate two pieces of content on a site that people who have never participated on a website before will make connections between information, ideas, or actions that make a positive difference for everyone in the community (and maybe even change the way we think or act).

Planned features:



  • Connect this content:



  • to an item I just saw (if a history tracking module is enabled)
  • Legacy Scraper

    This module for 4.7 (PHP5 with XML DOM required) is not currently supported. It was created by David Donahue in 2006, and while Agaric Design Collective has adopted the scraper project and added a separate module for very basic scraping that uses a different method, we have not had reason to dive into this code. If you do, or want to add another module to the scraper family, let us know and we can add you as a maintainer to the project on (if you have a CVS access).

    This module for 4.7 (PHP5 with XML DOM required) is not currently supported. It was created by David Donahue in 2006, and while Agaric Design Collective has adopted the scraper project and added a separate module for very basic scraping that uses a different method, we have not had reason to dive into this code. If you do, or want to add another module to the scraper family, let us know and we can add you as a maintainer to the project on (if you have a CVS access).

    Legacy Scraper scrapes data from web pages. This data can then be imported into a Drupal site as nodes (via CSV) or used for any other purpose.

    Taxonomy Suggestion Accepter

    A while back a client asked for the ability to accept taxonomy term (category) suggestions on his Drupal site. It's not what Community-Managed Taxonomy is meant for, but it's a potential application to keep in mind. Here's that request (that didn't go anywhere) and notes from the time:


    A while back a client asked for the ability to accept taxonomy term (category) suggestions on his Drupal site. It's not what Community-Managed Taxonomy is meant for, but it's a potential application to keep in mind. Here's that request (that didn't go anywhere) and notes from the time:




    flk: 15:58 < fago> another thing, what have you planned for the thesholds? when does your module apply the votes? <<< you could make use of the voting api for this
    flk: it has 3 different strategies of applying votes

    agaric: flk: I'll look at voting_api in this context
    flk: :)

    fago: flk: yeah, I also thought about this. perhaps it would be useful for storing votes...

    flk: 15:58 < fago> another thing, what have you planned for the thesholds? when does your module apply the votes? <<< you could make use of the voting api for this
    flk: it has 3 different strategies of applying votes

    agaric: flk: I'll look at voting_api in this context
    flk: :)

    fago: flk: yeah, I also thought about this. perhaps it would be useful for storing votes...

    fago: have a look at the votingapi, it might suit very well for you

    Breadcrumb control

    Agaric would like breadcrumbs in Drupal to just work, but barring that until book navigation becomes general navigation in Drupal 6, we'd just like control...

    Custom Breadcrumbs module

    From the PHP snippet section...

    Breadcrumbs including title

    Typical Agaric Customer Service

    Here's the bulk of an e-mail sent to an Agaric customer just tonight, following up on the client's questions about having trouble formatting and such. The questions the client had are probably apparent in our answers to her, as should be our respect for what she is able to understand about the site Agaric built for her:

    I found some stray HTML markup:


    Here's the bulk of an e-mail sent to an Agaric customer just tonight, following up on the client's questions about having trouble formatting and such. The questions the client had are probably apparent in our answers to her, as should be our respect for what she is able to understand about the site Agaric built for her:


    blockquote>I found some stray HTML markup:


    Creating SSH keys

    keywords: cat authorized key

    These directions worked for a Mac OS X computer.

    On the home computer:

    ssh-keygen -t dsa

    Accept the defaults. Despite the term pass-phrase, as opposed to password, if you choose to use one, keep your passphrase short.

    cd /Users/you/.ssh

    (Change "you" to your username, the default place the previous command generates the key)

    keywords: cat authorized key

    These directions worked for a Mac OS X computer.

    On the home computer:

    ssh-keygen -t dsa

    Accept the defaults. Despite the term pass-phrase, as opposed to password, if you choose to use one, keep your passphrase short.

    cd /Users/you/.ssh

    Path to theme

    Looking for the drupal path to your current theme? It can be helpful if you're making a theme and, for a change, you want to link directly to

    print theme('stylesheet_import', base_path() . path_to_theme() ."/modules.css");

    For our purposes, something like:

    <img src="<?php echo base_path() . path_to_theme() . "/sample.png"; ?>" />

    Now I'm not sure that "." in echo will work. Feel free to test it out for us!

    Quick Site Recipe Shell Command Generator

    Update: This has of course been quite obsoleted by drush, which Agaric is building our own scripts around (we would like to build them into Drush as much as possible), and we should eventually note on our main drush post.

    I hope to turn this into a module with a form, for now it's just a PHP page that can only be edited by an admin with PHP privileges. The code that creates this page is attached.

    Update: This has of course been quite obsoleted by drush, which Agaric is building our own scripts around (we would like to build them into Drush as much as possible), and we should eventually note on our main drush post.

    I hope to turn this into a module with a form, for now it's just a PHP page that can only be edited by an admin with PHP privileges. The code that creates this page is attached.

    /* NOTE: need some way of dealing with Drupal contrib modules with 2.0 versions */

    $nl = "\n"// line separator

    $sudo = 0// 0 no sudo needed, 1 sudo needed
    $drupal_version = "DRUPAL-5";
    $target_directory = "test";
    $contrib_modules_directory = "modules/contributed";
    $contrib_themes_directory = "themes/contributed";

    /* array of Drupal contributed modules
     * alphabetical except 'child' modules follow parent (esp. CCK, for instance "email" is a CCK field)

    $spaceshare_contrib_modules = array(actions, akismet, article, auto_nodetitle, autosave, bloginfo, bookmark_us, buddylist, casetracker, cck, email, text_regexp, captcha, comment_mover, comment_subject, contemplate, ed_classified, ed_readmore, favorite_nodes, fivestar, focus, globalredirect, gmap, gsitemap, image, imagecache, leech, links, location, logintoboggan, menu_trim, mimemail, nodefamily, nodeprofile, panels, pathauto, relativity, releasemonitor, spam, send, service_links, subscriptions, systeminfo, tagadelic, taxonomy_access, taxonomy_breadcrumb, taxonomy_theme, textimage, token, upload_preview, userlink, usernode, views, views_alpha_pager, views_bonus, votingapi, weather, webform, weight, workflow);

    /* array of Drupal contributed themes */
    $contrib_themes = array(aberdeen, amadou, bluebreeze, golden_hour, stylized_beauty, sinatra, sympal_theme, zen);

    $contrib_modules = $spaceshare_contrib_modules;


    "This script was made with the following variables:" . $nl;
    "Drupal Version: " . $drupal_version . $nl;
    "Target Directory: " . $target_directory . $nl;
    "Path to Contrib Directory: " . $contrib_directory . $nl;
    "Contributed Modules:" . $nl;

    $intro = "You should paste this output in your shell (e.g. Terminal, Putty) " . $nl .
    "starting from the directory ABOVE your target directory.";
    $intro . $nl;

    $ssh = "";

    // get Drupal itself
    if ($sudo) $ssh .= "sudo ";
    $ssh .= "cvs checkout -d " . $target_directory . " -r " . $drupal_version . " drupal";

    $ssh .=$nl;

    $ssh .= "cd " . $target_directory;
    $ssh .= $nl;

    if (

    $sudo) $ssh .= "sudo ";
    $ssh .= "mkdir " . $contrib_modules_directory;
    $ssh .= $nl;


    $contrib_modules as $module) {
      if (
    $sudo) $ssh .= "sudo ";
    $ssh .= "cvs checkout -d " . $contrib_modules_directory . "/" . $module . " -r " . $drupal_version . " contributions/modules/" . $module;
    $ssh .= $nl;

    if (

    $sudo) $ssh .= "sudo ";
    $ssh .= "mkdir " . $contrib_themes_directory;
    $ssh .= $nl;


    $contrib_themes as $theme) {
      if (
    $sudo) $ssh .= "sudo ";
    $ssh .= "cvs checkout -d " . $contrib_themes_directory . "/" . $theme . " -r " . $drupal_version . " contributions/themes/" . $theme;
    $ssh .= $nl;


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