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Grep multiple files but exclude .svn (subversion) directories

The --exclude flag described below does not work.

This does:

grep -nHR 'needle' . | grep -v svn

grep exclude .svn

Setting $GREP_OPTIONS in ~/.bashrc like this did the trick
export GREP_OPTIONS="--exclude="\*/.svn/\*"

At 11:41 AM -0400 4/11/04, Stephen Peters wrote:
>Brad Cox writes:
>> #1 on the wish list: what is the svn-friendly way to use grep -r foo
>> src to find all the foos in my working src directory, without
>> interference from hits in svn's administrative area (.svn). Hopefully
>> a global setting somewhere so I don't have to type special commands
>> each time. There are hopeful prospects in the man pages but I've not
>> yet hit on a working combination.
>I've made use of
> alias rg='grep --exclude=\*.svn\* -r'
>And then was able to type
> rg foo src

[forgot URL]

grep -r PATTERN * | grep -v '/.svn/'

More grep:

The --exclude flag described below does not work.

This does:

grep -nHR 'needle' . | grep -v svn

grep exclude .svn

Setting $GREP_OPTIONS in ~/.bashrc like this did the trick
export GREP_OPTIONS="--exclude="\*/.svn/\*"

At 11:41 AM -0400 4/11/04, Stephen Peters wrote:
>Brad Cox writes:
>> #1 on the wish list: what is the svn-friendly way to use grep -r foo
>> src to find all the foos in my working src directory, without
>> interference from hits in svn's administrative area (.svn). Hopefully
>> a global setting somewhere so I don't have to type special commands
>> each time. There are hopeful prospects in the man pages but I've not
>> yet hit on a working combination.
>I've made use of
> alias rg='grep --exclude=\*.svn\* -r'
>And then was able to type
> rg foo src

[forgot URL]

grep -r PATTERN * | grep -v '/.svn/'

More grep:


--exclude-dir works (since grep 2.5)

Grep 2.5 have a new option item --exclude-dir, it should work for you.

grep --exclude-dir=*/.svn/* --exclude=*~ pattern path/to/search/ -Rn

should work for you.

or set it in bash.rc

export GREP_OPTIONS="--exclude-dir=\*/.svn/\* --exclude=\*~"

check my blog :

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