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Getting Things Done Thoughts and Drupal Module

One recurring thought is how all of this getting-your-life-in-order stuff is just as important, useful, and applicable to a single mother of two as it is to a CEO, or to me.

I keep thinking how glad I am I got this book, even though I haven't done a single thing in it yet.  It's a broader truth: sometimes simply reading someone you agree with can be affirming and useful in a way, and comforting, especially when you're confident you will soon be acting on the principles, advice, or ideas that are so concordant with your own.

"The goal is to get projects and situations off your mind, but not to lose any potentially useful ideas." – David Allen


Finally posted this above

Finally posted this above note, prompted by Bert Boerland's blog post today:

Count Agaric as eager anticipators

And maybe even helpers.

It would be great to tie GTD in Drupal with Chandler for offline integration.

GTD in my opinion ties into the larger (maybe), separate (probably), and overlapping (certainly) issue of project management in Drupal.

Here's a person who does both GTD and Drupal, and must be convinced to help bring them together to make his life complete ;-)

Dreaming, and this ties into GTD + Project Management: It would be great to implement *shared* productivity and shared financial management-- you keep track of things individually, but with the potential tie in with different groups or everyone to really get a picture of what's going on, but controlled by you (democratic, nonprofit, private and transparent as needed, secure) not inevitably turned to data mining for marketers, creditors, and government.

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