Drupal 7 Module Development Errata
Drupal 7 Module Development, as expected from knowing the authors, is an excellent book. As an author on another Drupal book, i can't give a Planet-posted review, but it's very good, it should be bought, and the things i think are incorrect i'm noting here until i can find the Packt errata submission form.
Primary author key
Greg Dunlap: File Handling, Building an Administrative Interface
Ken Rickard: Permissions, Node Access
The book suggests that a module will show up in the administrative interface as soon as you create a .info file. I'm fairly certain this was the case at some point in Drupal 7's lifecycle (i had had a similar line in a chapter before removing it), but it has not been true as of the betas and release candidates. A .info file without a files directive pointing to a .module file does not show up at admin/modules.
Update: Actually, for heaven's sake, if a .module file is there, even completely empty, and without a files[] = example.module directive, an example.info will have its data show up at admin/modules. For real, Drupal? Get your act together. Do we need this directive or not? Is this another case of the default is provided, but as soon as we list additional files, we better have the .module listed or everything goes to hell? Will investigate later.
(Later in this same section, the illustration cuts off the configure link it was supposed to showcase.)
Packt's errata submission
Packt's errata submission form is available here: http://www.packtpub.com/submit-errata
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