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Banning IP addresses safely (not banning real users)?Banning IP addresses safely (not banning real users)?
Submitted by Benjamin Melançon on April 23, 2010 - 8:08pm
Well, just googling for an IP leads you to places where they list that IP as a spammer, pretty good chance its pretty dedicated to spam.
A service that takes IP into account along with other measures to block spam is of course better. Drupal's built-in IP blocking was an interim solution while Mollom, Webform, Webform Block, and Salesforce Webform were not quite ready to upgrade and all be happy in glorious functional spam-blocking harmony.
Searched words:
how do i make sure i do not block
how do i know i'm not blocking a user IP
can i check that i'm not blocking valid IP addresses
blocking IP address from webform Drupal
Internet Protocol identification
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