User login


Insert the current data and time

No button, but it's pretty slick. Just type the day of the month, slash, and hit enter or tab. There's today's date.

Just type the time, "10:14", and it records it properly as a time.


Adding a Node Build Mode

Q: if you need to add a dead simple view mode to theme a node template differently, basically give Views in addition to "full node", "teaser", a "bastard step-child" option, quick custom code or is a module? ?

A, by Fox: just do the hook. the hook is simple as hell

Q: and Views sees it automatically?

Amazon irony and incompetence

"We didn't receive the e-mail message below because it was directed to an e-mail address that can't accept incoming messages."

To: ""
Subject: Re: Your Associate Inquiry

Dear Caitlin C.,

Disabling or moving node/add/[content-type] links from beneath "Add content" in the navigation menu also removes them from the Add content page (node/add)

Short story: Turn the navigation menu off on any site for which you are customizing the user experience, it is only going to cause you pain.

Seeing "You have not created any content types yet. Go to the content type creation page to add a new content type." when you know darn well you have content? And node/add/page, say, still works?

Is it a bug, a feature, or 'gee. huh' that moving a content add form out from under "Add content" in the navigation menu will also remove it from the node/add page?

How to override block.tpl.php and node.tpl.php from your module

After much thought, and not being sure if it needs a hook_theme and a template_preprocess or what

Decided that it is not something we should be doing anyway. Overriding block.tpl.php or node.tpl.php from a module just messes up themes! We can have our own templates for the content we print if we want.

Please leave a comment if you think this conclusion is incorrect!

Screenshot shortcuts in Mac OS X

Cmd + Shift + 4 is size your own
Cmd + Option + Shift + 4 is the whole screen

Stefan identified the print an entire application window shortcut:
cmd shift 4 space

Google's fraudulent adsense charges

Reporting it involves having bank cancel credit card.

Contacting the Massachusetts attorney general...

Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, California, 94043

Phone: +1 650-253-0000
Fax: +1 650-253-0001

Gábor Hojtsy on why get involved with Drupal community

why really get involved, why not just use the software for free?

get to work on cool technology
get to work in an international team
get to show off your work and talent
get to travel
can also make money

Block all variations of a GMail e-mail address

Other projects and ideas / questions / solutions in this general ideaspaceHow can I block a spammer from repeatedly registering?

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