User login


Fastest way to check if anything is in a MySQL table,50600,50853#msg-50853

Vail wrote:

> When it checks to see if the
> group exists, however, and the table is empty, it
> always returns an error, which disables the script
> that calls the function.

Why not doing a simple

select count(*) from groups


Locale subset module motivation: remove, hide, get rid of non-public UI strings


Doing the World Social Forum site right now has brought up two questions for me:

First, is there a way to tell either the translation interface or a PO export to ignore all strings in /admin pages?

Landing Pages in Drupal

How to do landing pages in Drupal?

Using panels to allow for an infinite number

But for Agaric's current needs we need a somehow-different menu on each landing page.

Custom page.tpl.php template files based on path

Cerating "Landing Pages" in Drupal

Copy (or inherit) taxonomy terms from one node to another

function wsf_action_copy_terms($from_nid, $to_nid, $avoid_race = FALSE) {
// agaric-ben @TODO optimize;
// see
  if ($avoid_race) {
    // avoid pseudo race condition from taxonomy_node_get_terms static variable

Combining one-to-one mysql tables into a single table

Merging tables does not mean what I want it to mean-- it refers to tables with the same schema.

I simply want to join two tables into one on a unique key.

To do that very easily

These are the tables Agaric needs to condense into one:

RE: Node access module (based on users listed in userreference fields)

I created a module (attached, in case you're curious) that's a user reference widget. When placed on a node type, it will hide itself and fill itself in from the URL with the person the request is being made of. When a node with the field on it is submitted, it emails the person.

What I need is a way to allow the user in the user reference field the same rights to the node as the author of the node. So for all access control, they should be treated the same.

Do you think that's something you can / want to do?



open source free software RSS feed reader

Agaric is trying out Blog Bridge:

Because it's FOSS and cross-platform.


php get last item in an array


$sys_name = current(end(implode($path)));


A, B, C, D... Ordered Lists in HTML with CSS

list-style-type: upper-alpha

See roottruth stylesheet for implementation.


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