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Subversion client for Ubuntu: anything like TortoiseSVN?


In windows xp I used Tortoise SVN to edit files on the server for theming purposes. Do you know of a program that is like Tortoise SVN but will work in Ubuntu? Maybe you've got to use the Wine emulator? Let me know if you have any ideas.



You would think the currently most popular open source free software version control system would have a spiffy GUI client to work with it on the currently most popular open source free software desktop operating system, wouldn't you?

Drupal's Installation Profile repository should allow include files

I feel pretty strongly about this, but I don't even know what issue queue to complain in... so I'll just post it on Agaric's own site, and expect the gods to hear me.

Add autocomplete taxonomy to user profiles used on one-page registering

For the World Social Forum 2008 web site, we want people to be able to use an autocomplete freetagging taxonomy field to add an organization to their user profile that they can access when registering.

Looks like the subform_elements module will be the way to go.


Show category selection below body on content editing form

Agaric has a fair amount of categorization going on, including some multiselect forms that take up a lot of room. We would prefer to have our CCK fields and node body field displayed first in the create content / edit node form, and the taxonomy choices below it. (I know better how to categorize something after I've written it, how about you?)

A quick search turns up nothing about rearranging this form, which means I must be using the wrong keywords.

I think however it can be done with my old, dear friend form_alter.


Turn freelinking off for most content types

The Freelinking module, bless its heart, is a tad too overzealous in its attempt to linkify any words it thinks are in CamelCase.

Furthermore, it interferes with links with capitalization in them, even when the linking is applied first. Agaric considers this a bug.

Ideally one could turn freelinking off for most content types, except say your Wiki content type.

The way freelinks work may be tied too closely to Drupal's input filter functionality, though, and not easy to disable per node type.

Whatever the reason, you can't.

Agaric Wants: set 'view revisions' permission by content type

Naturally, if you have a wiki content type, you want everybody to be able to view revisions. Odds are they may have an edit tab also.

But do you really want a big "Revisions" tab and a redundant "View" tab added at the top of your carefully crafted about us page, the one where you just deleted all references to your collective cofounder and you really don't want anyone looking at revisions anyway?

Installing and using FTP on Debian

So I needed FTP in a pinch.

PureFTP was the first that got me to the install instructions:

sudo apt-get install pure-ftpd-common pure-ftpd
sudo groupadd ftpgroup
sudo useradd -g ftpgroup -d /dev/null -s /etc ftpuser
sudo pure-pw useradd agaric -u ftpuser -d /home/ftpusers/agaric
sudo pure-pw mkdb

It appeared to be successful.

Should people type in their town or select from a list? What's possible and available?

What should users of WSF2008 be able to do to list themselves and their event on a map? What can be pre-filled? Do we want people to type in countries? Province-level geopolitical entities? Villages? What can the Google Maps API take, and from where? How can we try to ensure it fails gracefully, and falls back to the closest approximation of the location it can find.

Right now the plan is to do what location module lets us, but I don't know if this has been tested worldwide.

From a Skype conversation:

Agaric Wants: to be able to add taxonomy terms en masse by checking off nodes in a list

2009 Update: (this module was around, just didn't find it until now!)
And has been made far more powerful.

The below is very, very out of date.

Enable checkoff of taxonomy only if other information filled in

Can one make checking off a taxonomy dependent on whether other information on a form is filled in?

For the World Social Forum site, we would like people to be able to mark an action as confirmed if it has both a place and a time listed.

Activeselect would probably be a good place to start.


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