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Add autocomplete taxonomy to user profiles used on one-page registering

For the World Social Forum 2008 web site, we want people to be able to use an autocomplete freetagging taxonomy field to add an organization to their user profile that they can access when registering.

Looks like the subform_elements module will be the way to go.


Searched words: 
autocomplete taxonomy as profile field Drupal


two questions: you once said

two questions:

you once said that the autocomplete was able to work simultaneously on two words : Apple Pie example
does it mean it stops there and ignores the third word ?

it is possible to show (nearby the typing box ) an information related to each of the "candidate expressions" provided by autocomplete
( for instance the number of people having given this expression as an org name or a network name so people are informed of how many people have chosen this or that variant )

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