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To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

DrupalConDC Using Intelligent Web Services for Semantic Drupal Sites

Works best with well-written long-form prose (not well for tweets).

Puts the document into topic.

17 now, will probably go up to 300 and stop there.

semantic web compliant format: RDF

Then goes a step farther. For a subset, takes you into the linked data world. Another emerging standard, a Tim Berners-Lee initiative

for instance dbpedia
CIA World Factbook
now OpenCalais

Calais is a web service. Hard to demo.

When machines are talking to machines, usually takes us half-a-second to process a normal news article.

Drupal and the Geospatial Web at Berners-Lee Room



  • language
  • history
  • usage
  • privacy
  • look

drupal -> nice map module -> nasa


ogc compliant

noaa wms

georss - friendfeed


kml and georss in gmaps api


Totally Rocking Your Development Environment at Trellon Room

some useful drupal development tips

  • - Firefox profile manager
  • - imacros - testing user interface
  • - Drupal for Firebug - !!! - module and an extension!!! awesome!!
  • - modules that are cool -> admin menu, devel, simpletest, logintobbogan, xdebug (php degugger)

source code and config management

DrupalConDC State of the Drupal

Dries Buyteart:
We do this every six months about...
DrupalCon DC 2009 State of Drupal

spoiler: DRÜPAL ROCKS!!

History of Drupal, his student dorm photo with the giant red sombrero in 1999.

Learning more about PHP and MySQL, the new kids on the block at this time.

DrupalCon Antwerp, more than twice the expected people.

Slide with Robert douglass and his French horn. Wrote the very first Drupal book.

Drag and droppable widgets AND tabs for the front page dashboard for users logged into

DrupalConDC Building APIs that Rock notes

[notes with ALL the personality (even Earl Mile's puppet, George) taken out]

Drupal now is a million lego pieces.

Your module is caught in a tug of war. [People wanting to add more features to it.]

99% of what we build is geared toward people clicking on things and getting it configured.

Presentation on Presenting

Emma Jane Hogbin's pre-Conference session, "Presenting You!"

[paraphrased, I know it better as "...and tell them what you told them"]
Tell people what you are going to teach them.
Teach them.
Tell people what you taught them.

For a 45 minute presentation, can break your presentation into 15 minute chunks:

Drupal in the NY Times

Here' a link to an article in the NY Times about Drupal. These sort of things are good indicators that we're on the right track....

Drupal Semantics presentation in NYC

Scor's presentation:

Just installing RDF CCK, you get all this for free.

It prefaces every field with site:

It's your own local vocabulary.

you can see the entire site schema vocabulary at /ns#

The source

RDF and RDF/XML are two different things.

On the abstract level, you have RDF, a graph representation of the knowledge.

For machines to


turtle is currently the one

RDFa was just standardized, it's a serialization built into the HTML.

It's all the same thing on the RDF level.

What is the Science Collaboration Framework (Presenting SCF)

(Note: This is not an official Science Collaboration Framework document, this is my own draft document for explaining the project, especially to people familiar with Drupal.)

Adding the date and time to quoted messages in Thunderbird reply e-mails

To add a date and time to the quote of messages you are replying to:

  1. Go to Preferences (on a Mac, at least, and this will be under the main Thunderbird menu)
  2. Click on the Advanced icon
  3. Stay on the General tab and click the Config Editor... button.
  4. Search for reply_header_type
  5. Double-click the value field of mailnews.reply_header_type, and
  6. Change this from 1 (in my case) to 2.

You're done!

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