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To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

DrupalConDC Accessibility birds-of-a-feather

People on our staff each use the screen reader differently. You don't get consensus in even how to do user testing. A person who is blind from birth vs. not or technically adept vs. not. Different from a sited user occasionally trying a site with a screen reader.

People with limited mobility not using a mouse.

We need users who represents people in each area.

PHPEclipse instead of Eclipse PDT

Recommended by quicksketch:



Drupal function for stripping spaces and unsafe things to make the system machine name

what's a function that does the job of replacing spaces with underscores, lowering case of letters, stripping out non-alphanumerics?
less complex than pathauto. i need to do what the content_type.js file does, but in php

Not what we're looking for (from

Sharing a complex Drupal patch for contributing to core, with git

cvs -z6 checkout drupal
cd drupal/
git init
git add *
git status
git add .htaccess
git commit -m 'first commit of unmodified current Drupal 7 head'
git remote add origin
git push origin
patch -p0 < terms_as_fields.patch
git status
git commit -a -m "bangpound's proof of concept working fundamentals of getting CCK fields for terms and deprecating taxonomy_nodeapi"
git push

Biblioreference module keyword fetching SQL wrong turns

re[] = "n.type = 'biblio'";
$count = count($words);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$where[] = 'bk.word ' . $match_operators[$match];
// for multiple words we're going to have to string a bunch of these together with "or"
// first we took only the first word as a proof of concept
// now we're sticking with and, not or, so multiple words act as filtering
$args = $words;
$where_clause = $where ? 'where '. implode(' and ', $where) : '';

DrupalConDC RDF bof

Stéphane Corlosquet presented
Robert Douglass and
Frank Febbrarro
also did a fair amount of talking

We have an array

because it's a triple because this object is, and anything can happen

$node->rdf = array(
'type' => 'sioct:Weblog',
'title' => 'dc:title',
'body' => 'sioc:content',

The object is take that key and look it up.

so in order:

Project Management for Fun and Profit at CommonPlaces Room

process shouldnt drive development, it should support it. it should minimize the "what are we doing now" help to stay focused on the project

someone should be the owner of every piece

agile -- time and materials contracts ---

waterfall -- the more traditional linear approach....

agile good for user: centric social networks, web apps

waterfall - corporate sites and other informational sites

agile requires talented developers, clients willing to invest continuous resources and actively think about direction, constant access to design resources

Selling Drupal Services at CommonPlaces Room

selling you and your drupal services

entreprenuership is cool

true genius is pulling the threads out of the ether and giving them reality! (david lynch said a similar thing once!)

sales guy and a boss of 11 people, coaching hockey taught him a lot

if you do the right thing winning takes care of itself.

what is this? a little bit too much about lucidus for me

  1. ground rules

  2. how we sell drupal

  3. some things learned along the way

The Business of Open Source at CommonPlaces Room


Liza Kindred

open source initiative

turn free software into jobs
lullabot has 401k benefits

lullabot supports 35 ppl with families !!! awesome!!!

credit / attribution

  1. free redistribution
    of ideas, no new ideas, someone's already had it, dont keep ideas to yourself. everybody has good ideas

  2. source code
    mission statements are dumb, but understand the core values of a company is really really important

DrupalConDC Usability Lab Testing Reportback

Usability testing

Bojhan Somers, bojhan
Brad Bowman, beeradb
Matt Tucker
Sumit Ktaria
Nathan Haug
Nat Catchpole, catch

A broader scope this time, recruiting intermediate users as well.

Very hard thing: Getting a roomful of Drupal developers to not try to solve problems.

For issue queue


I feel bad I didn't make that patch. I meant to! I've fixed this with form_alter before.

By default the admin menu no longer shows up there.

Much friendlier password checker.

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