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Twitter commands... Get your Tweet on

Use the commands listed below from your phone, the web update box, or your favorite third party application.

  • @username + message directs a twitter at another person, and causes your twitter to save in their "replies" tab. Example: @dhakimzadeh you all seriously need a Cone of Silence
  • D username + message sends a person a private message that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive. Example: d dhakimzadeh you have been assimilated
  • WHOIS username retrieves the profile information for any public user on Twitter. Example: whois dhakimzadeh
  • GET username retrieves the latest Twitter update posted by the person. Example: get dhakimzadeh
  • NUDGE username reminds a friend to update by asking what they're doing on your behalf. Example: nudge dhakimzadeh
  • FAV username marks a person's last twitter as a favorite. (hint: reply to any update with FAV to mark it as a favorite if you're receiving it in real time) Example: fav dhakimzadeh
  • STATS this command returns your number of followers, how many people you're following, and which words you're tracking.
  • INVITE phone number will send an SMS invite to a friend's mobile phone. Example: Invite 415 555 1212

Turning Twitter off and on: device notifications

  • ON: turns ALL phone notifications on.
  • OFF: turns ALL phone notifications off.
  • STOP, QUIT: stops all messages to your phone immediately
  • ON username: turns on notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, ON dhakimzadeh.
  • OFF username: turns off notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, OFF dhakimzadeh.
  • FOLLOW username: this command allows you to start receiving notifications for a specific person on your phone. Example: follow dhakimzadeh
  • LEAVE username: this command allows you to stop receiving notifications for a specific person on your phone. Example: leave dhakimzadeh


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