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To be used with care. Pages are complete only when they meet the posting guidelines.

Showing view titles in panels

Panels made up of views.

If you want the titles to show
go to both panels and views and enable titles (to show the titles you set in views)

Panels made up of views.

If you want the titles to show
go to both panels and views and enable titles (to show the titles you set in views)

Turn off error reporting to the screen

It is, of course, best practice on any live, production site to not print errors to the screen for everyone to see. That's not the Agaric way.

In Drupal 5, that's done here:

However, as web maintainers we need a way of checking error logs constantly – more frequently than we can do by logging into every site and

It is, of course, best practice on any live, production site to not print errors to the screen for everyone to see. That's not the Agaric way.

In Drupal 5, that's done here:

However, as web maintainers we need a way of checking error logs constantly – more frequently than we can do by logging into every site and

Ask Agaric: Custom Email to Friends text

E-mail to friend

Ben, if we do have email to friends, maybe we could have a pre-selected text for the email that I can write?

You, sir, are genius. Or at least thinking in the Drupal way or something. The pre-written text can even be set by content type (page, blog post, etc.)

Administer » Content Management » Send Modules (admin/content/send)

I think there's a bug where defaults isn't saving but it's irrelevant to what you want, the Send to Friend tab. Altogether:

E-mail to friend

Ben, if we do have email to friends, maybe we could have a pre-selected text for the email that I can write?

You, sir, are genius. Or at least thinking in the Drupal way or something. The pre-written text can even be set by content type (page, blog post, etc.)

Administer » Content Management » Send Modules (admin/content/send)

I think there's a bug where defaults isn't saving but it's irrelevant to what you want, the Send to Friend tab. Altogether:


Creating a signup form to list supporters of a campaign

This is the procedure for creating a signup form for individuals and organizations to sign on in support of your site, and be listed.

This is a very simple list but it could easily be extended to gather more information from each organization, to have the listing page link to pages showing this more information rather than directly to the supporting group, to allow them to upload logos (which could be scaled to a uniform height with imagecache), and more.

How to set it up, on a Drupal site with CCK (Content Constructor Kit) and Views installed:



This is the procedure for creating a signup form for individuals and organizations to sign on in support of your site, and be listed.

This is a very simple list but it could easily be extended to gather more information from each organization, to have the listing page link to pages showing this more information rather than directly to the supporting group, to allow them to upload logos (which could be scaled to a uniform height with imagecache), and more.

How to set it up, on a Drupal site with CCK (Content Constructor Kit) and Views installed:



Agaric Starter Profile Gold Edition

The Gold Edition adds nothing except a notice to Agaric when you install a site with it. The first open source spyware that we know of. Yes, we are ashamed of ourselves. It is Agaric's experiment to see who reads the documentation!

The Gold Edition adds nothing except a notice to Agaric when you install a site with it. The first open source spyware that we know of. Yes, we are ashamed of ourselves. It is Agaric's experiment to see who reads the documentation!

Purpose and initial success

The purpose of posting the Agaric Design Collective install profile: to make people realize "hey, if they can do it, I can do it".

An important thing to remember when making or using an install profile is that it replaces Drupal's default install profile, and that this profile actually does something. For instance, it creates the 'page' and 'story' content types. So if you want either of these automatically set up in your new site, your custom install profile needs to create them.

Agaric Design Collective Starter Profile for Drupal installation complete

The purpose of posting the Agaric Design Collective install profile: to make people realize "hey, if they can do it, I can do it".

Agaric Starter Profile Rearchitecture

Every .profile will consist simply of

// this consists of the following components
$blogging = TRUE;

include(''); is what actually contains all of the profile code, and all the if ($blogging) include(''); and if ($blogging) include(''); statements

Every .profile will consist simply of

// this consists of the following components
$blogging = TRUE;

include(''); is what actually contains all of the profile code, and all the if ($blogging) include(''); and if ($blogging) include(''); statements

Theming the search bar the Agaric way

Hardcoding the Drupal search box form into the theme can result in this:

Validation error, please try again. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator.

So customize your bar the Drupal way:

From (and we do mean stolen directly from the Drupal handbook)

Add to template.php (create if necessary)

Hardcoding the Drupal search box form into the theme can result in this:

Validation error, please try again. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator.

So customize your bar the Drupal way:

From (and we do mean stolen directly from the Drupal handbook)

Add to template.php (create if necessary)

function phptemplate_search_theme_form($form) {
* This snippet catches the default searchbox and looks for
* search-theme-form.tpl.php file in the same folder

Exclude a file from SVN version control

svn exclude file from version control
subversion remove from repository
leave out of source code management
do not use in checkout of revision controlled repository

An actually useful bit of information:

Excluding/ignoring files

You can exclude files (e.g. *.o) from a directory by typing (in this directory):

svn propset svn:ignore *.o

To show the ignored files, type:

svn status --no-ignore

svn exclude file from version control
subversion remove from repository
leave out of source code management
do not use in checkout of revision controlled repository

An actually useful bit of information:

Excluding/ignoring files

You can exclude files (e.g. *.o) from a directory by typing (in this directory):

svn propset svn:ignore *.o

To show the ignored files, type:

svn status --no-ignore


View import not showing up?

If you think your view imported fine, but it's not showing up anywhere that views should be listed, remember that an imported view has to then be saved. At the bottom of the page you're taken to after import, the view edit page, get down to the bottom and press save.

If you think your view imported fine, but it's not showing up anywhere that views should be listed, remember that an imported view has to then be saved. At the bottom of the page you're taken to after import, the view edit page, get down to the bottom and press save.

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