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Nicely written, Drupal-focused answer:

print '<pre>';
print '</pre>';

Off-topic, for Dan:

An example output for a fairly complex node (CCK, Taxanomy)

Array ( [file] => sites/ [variables] => Array ( [nid] => 1796 [vid] => 2577 [type] => action [status] => 1 [created] => 1198160190 [changed] => 1198160190 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 1 [revision_timestamp] => 1198160190 [title] => Mix Jovem [body] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[log] => [format] => 1 [uid] => 429 [name] => Carlos Alexandr... [picture] => [data] => a:9:{s:2:"op";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:6:"submit";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:16:"captcha_response";s:6:"rZZ3lr";s:16:"captcha_solution";s:6:"8N1pab";s:13:"captcha_token";s:32:"654dc4c488da95a549af48cf16f12671";s:14:"validationdata";a:4:{s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:10:"preprocess";b:0;s:6:"module";s:17:"ascii_art_captcha";s:4:"type";s:17:"ASCII art CAPTCHA";}s:7:"contact";i:1;s:23:"subscriptions_subscribe";i:1;} [og_groups] => Array ( [0] => 1795 ) [og_groups_names] => Array ( [0] => MIXJOVEMBV ) [og_public] => [tags] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [2060] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2060 [vid] => 1 [name] => CDDHBV [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2059] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2059 [vid] => 1 [name] => PT [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [2038] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2038 [vid] => 2 [name] => cultura de paz [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2061] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2061 [vid] => 2 [name] => juventude [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) ) [trid] => 0 [language] => pt-br [i18n_status] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1198160190 [last_comment_name] => [comment_count] => 0 [field_action_start_time] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2008-01-26T23:00:00 [timezone] => Brazil/East [offset] => -10800 [view] => 2008, January 26 - 8:00pm ) ) [field_expected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 200 [view] => 200 ) ) [field_turnout] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => [view] => ) ) [taxonomy] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_2060] => Array ( [title] => CDDHBV [href] => taxonomy/term/2060 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2059] => Array ( [title] => PT [href] => taxonomy/term/2059 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_189] => Array ( [title] => Proposed [href] => taxonomy/term/189 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => This action has been proposed, but activities, place, time, and/or location have not been definitively confirmed. ) ) [taxonomy_term_76] => Array ( [title] => Brasil [href] => place/76 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_1225] => Array ( [title] => Ceará [href] => place/1225 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2040] => Array ( [title] => Boa Viagem [href] => place/2040 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2041] => Array ( [title] => 63870000 [href] => place/2041 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2038] => Array ( [title] => cultura de paz [href] => taxonomy/term/2038 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2061] => Array ( [title] => juventude [href] => taxonomy/term/2061 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) ) [files] => Array ( ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) ) [location] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) [translation] => Array ( ) [readmore] => [content] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[links] =>

    * Add new comment
    * Printer-friendly version
    * Subscribe post
    * hide
    * report

[date] => Thu, 12/20/2007 - 10:16 [node] => stdClass Object ( [nid] => 1796 [vid] => 2577 [type] => action [status] => 1 [created] => 1198160190 [changed] => 1198160190 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 1 [revision_timestamp] => 1198160190 [title] => Mix Jovem [body] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[log] => [format] => 1 [uid] => 429 [name] => Carlos Alexandre Bezerra dos Santos [picture] => [data] => a:9:{s:2:"op";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:6:"submit";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:16:"captcha_response";s:6:"rZZ3lr";s:16:"captcha_solution";s:6:"8N1pab";s:13:"captcha_token";s:32:"654dc4c488da95a549af48cf16f12671";s:14:"validationdata";a:4:{s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:10:"preprocess";b:0;s:6:"module";s:17:"ascii_art_captcha";s:4:"type";s:17:"ASCII art CAPTCHA";}s:7:"contact";i:1;s:23:"subscriptions_subscribe";i:1;} [og_groups] => Array ( [0] => 1795 ) [og_groups_names] => Array ( [0] => MIXJOVEMBV ) [og_public] => [tags] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [2060] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2060 [vid] => 1 [name] => CDDHBV [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2059] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2059 [vid] => 1 [name] => PT [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [2038] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2038 [vid] => 2 [name] => cultura de paz [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2061] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2061 [vid] => 2 [name] => juventude [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) ) [trid] => 0 [language] => pt-br [i18n_status] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1198160190 [last_comment_name] => [comment_count] => 0 [field_action_start_time] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2008-01-26T23:00:00 [timezone] => Brazil/East [offset] => -10800 [view] => 2008, January 26 - 8:00pm ) ) [field_expected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 200 [view] => 200 ) ) [field_turnout] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => [view] => ) ) [taxonomy] => Array ( [2060] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2060 [vid] => 1 [name] => CDDHBV [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2059] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2059 [vid] => 1 [name] => PT [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [189] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 189 [vid] => 6 [name] => Proposed [description] => This action has been proposed, but activities, place, time, and/or location have not been definitively confirmed. [weight] => -1 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [76] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 76 [vid] => 5 [name] => Brasil [description] => [weight] => 20 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [1225] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1225 [vid] => 5 [name] => Ceará [description] => [weight] => 40 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2040] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2040 [vid] => 5 [name] => Boa Viagem [description] => [weight] => 60 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2041] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2041 [vid] => 5 [name] => 63870000 [description] => [weight] => 70 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2038] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2038 [vid] => 2 [name] => cultura de paz [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2061] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2061 [vid] => 2 [name] => juventude [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) [files] => Array ( ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) ) [location] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) [translation] => Array ( ) [readmore] => [content] => Array ( [field_action_shot] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] => [#weight] => -10 [#printed] => 1 ) [field_expected] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] =>
Expected turnout:
[#weight] => -10 [#printed] => 1 ) [field_action_start_time] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] =>
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm
[#weight] => -10 [#printed] => 1 ) [body] => Array ( [#weight] => 0 [#value] =>

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[#printed] => 1 ) [field_turnout] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] => [#weight] => 1 [#printed] => 1 ) [#children] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[#printed] => 1 ) [links] => Array ( [comment_add] => Array ( [title] => Add new comment [href] => comment/reply/1796 [attributes] => Array ( [title] => Share your thoughts and opinions related to this posting. ) [fragment] => comment-form ) [print] => Array ( [title] => Printer-friendly version [href] => print/1796 [attributes] => Array ( [title] => Display a printer-friendly version of this page. [class] => print-page ) ) [subscriptions_add_node] => Array ( [title] => Subscribe post [href] => subscriptions/add/node/1796 [attributes] => Array ( [title] => Receive an e-mail whenever a comment is posted to this Action. ) ) [hidden-hide] => Array ( [title] => hide [href] => hidden/node/1796/hide ) [hidden-report] => Array ( [title] => report [href] => hidden/node/1796/report ) ) ) [node_url] => /eng/node/1796 [page] => 1 [teaser] => [terms] =>

    * CDDHBV
    * PT
    * Proposed
    * Brasil
    * Ceará
    * Boa Viagem
    * 63870000
    * cultura de paz
    * juventude

[submitted] => Submitted by Carlos Alexandr... on Thu, 12/20/2007 - 10:16. [zebra] => odd [id] => 1 [directory] => sites/ [is_front] => ) [nid] => 1796 [vid] => 2577 [type] => action [status] => 1 [created] => 1198160190 [changed] => 1198160190 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 1 [revision_timestamp] => 1198160190 [title] => Mix Jovem [body] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[log] => [format] => 1 [uid] => 429 [name] => Carlos Alexandr... [picture] => [data] => a:9:{s:2:"op";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:6:"submit";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:16:"captcha_response";s:6:"rZZ3lr";s:16:"captcha_solution";s:6:"8N1pab";s:13:"captcha_token";s:32:"654dc4c488da95a549af48cf16f12671";s:14:"validationdata";a:4:{s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:10:"preprocess";b:0;s:6:"module";s:17:"ascii_art_captcha";s:4:"type";s:17:"ASCII art CAPTCHA";}s:7:"contact";i:1;s:23:"subscriptions_subscribe";i:1;} [og_groups] => Array ( [0] => 1795 ) [og_groups_names] => Array ( [0] => MIXJOVEMBV ) [og_public] => [tags] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [2060] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2060 [vid] => 1 [name] => CDDHBV [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2059] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2059 [vid] => 1 [name] => PT [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [2038] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2038 [vid] => 2 [name] => cultura de paz [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2061] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2061 [vid] => 2 [name] => juventude [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) ) [trid] => 0 [language] => pt-br [i18n_status] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1198160190 [last_comment_name] => [comment_count] => 0 [field_action_start_time] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2008-01-26T23:00:00 [timezone] => Brazil/East [offset] => -10800 [view] => 2008, January 26 - 8:00pm ) ) [field_expected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 200 [view] => 200 ) ) [field_turnout] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => [view] => ) ) [taxonomy] => Array ( [taxonomy_term_2060] => Array ( [title] => CDDHBV [href] => taxonomy/term/2060 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2059] => Array ( [title] => PT [href] => taxonomy/term/2059 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_189] => Array ( [title] => Proposed [href] => taxonomy/term/189 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => This action has been proposed, but activities, place, time, and/or location have not been definitively confirmed. ) ) [taxonomy_term_76] => Array ( [title] => Brasil [href] => place/76 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_1225] => Array ( [title] => Ceará [href] => place/1225 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2040] => Array ( [title] => Boa Viagem [href] => place/2040 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2041] => Array ( [title] => 63870000 [href] => place/2041 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2038] => Array ( [title] => cultura de paz [href] => taxonomy/term/2038 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) [taxonomy_term_2061] => Array ( [title] => juventude [href] => taxonomy/term/2061 [attributes] => Array ( [rel] => tag [title] => ) ) ) [files] => Array ( ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) ) [location] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) [translation] => Array ( ) [readmore] => [content] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[links] =>

    * Add new comment
    * Printer-friendly version
    * Subscribe post
    * hide
    * report

[date] => Thu, 12/20/2007 - 10:16 [node] => stdClass Object ( [nid] => 1796 [vid] => 2577 [type] => action [status] => 1 [created] => 1198160190 [changed] => 1198160190 [comment] => 2 [promote] => 1 [sticky] => 1 [revision_timestamp] => 1198160190 [title] => Mix Jovem [body] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[log] => [format] => 1 [uid] => 429 [name] => Carlos Alexandre Bezerra dos Santos [picture] => [data] => a:9:{s:2:"op";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:6:"submit";s:16:"Criar nova conta";s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:16:"captcha_response";s:6:"rZZ3lr";s:16:"captcha_solution";s:6:"8N1pab";s:13:"captcha_token";s:32:"654dc4c488da95a549af48cf16f12671";s:14:"validationdata";a:4:{s:7:"form_id";s:13:"user_register";s:10:"preprocess";b:0;s:6:"module";s:17:"ascii_art_captcha";s:4:"type";s:17:"ASCII art CAPTCHA";}s:7:"contact";i:1;s:23:"subscriptions_subscribe";i:1;} [og_groups] => Array ( [0] => 1795 ) [og_groups_names] => Array ( [0] => MIXJOVEMBV ) [og_public] => [tags] => Array ( [1] => Array ( [2060] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2060 [vid] => 1 [name] => CDDHBV [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2059] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2059 [vid] => 1 [name] => PT [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [2038] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2038 [vid] => 2 [name] => cultura de paz [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2061] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2061 [vid] => 2 [name] => juventude [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) ) [trid] => 0 [language] => pt-br [i18n_status] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1198160190 [last_comment_name] => [comment_count] => 0 [field_action_start_time] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 2008-01-26T23:00:00 [timezone] => Brazil/East [offset] => -10800 [view] => 2008, January 26 - 8:00pm ) ) [field_expected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 200 [view] => 200 ) ) [field_turnout] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => [view] => ) ) [taxonomy] => Array ( [2060] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2060 [vid] => 1 [name] => CDDHBV [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2059] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2059 [vid] => 1 [name] => PT [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [189] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 189 [vid] => 6 [name] => Proposed [description] => This action has been proposed, but activities, place, time, and/or location have not been definitively confirmed. [weight] => -1 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [76] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 76 [vid] => 5 [name] => Brasil [description] => [weight] => 20 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [1225] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 1225 [vid] => 5 [name] => Ceará [description] => [weight] => 40 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2040] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2040 [vid] => 5 [name] => Boa Viagem [description] => [weight] => 60 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2041] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2041 [vid] => 5 [name] => 63870000 [description] => [weight] => 70 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2038] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2038 [vid] => 2 [name] => cultura de paz [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) [2061] => stdClass Object ( [tid] => 2061 [vid] => 2 [name] => juventude [description] => [weight] => 0 [language] => [trid] => 0 ) ) [files] => Array ( ) [locations] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) ) [location] => Array ( [eid] => 2577 [lid] => 192 [type] => node [name] => Clube [street] => Colinas Club [additional] => [city] => [province] => [postal_code] => [country] => af [latitude] => -5.112830 [longitude] => -39.704590 [source] => 1 [is_primary] => 0 [lat] => -5.112830 [lon] => -39.704590 ) [translation] => Array ( ) [readmore] => [content] => Array ( [field_action_shot] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] => [#weight] => -10 [#printed] => 1 ) [field_expected] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] =>
Expected turnout:
[#weight] => -10 [#printed] => 1 ) [field_action_start_time] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] =>
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm
[#weight] => -10 [#printed] => 1 ) [body] => Array ( [#weight] => 0 [#value] =>

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[#printed] => 1 ) [field_turnout] => Array ( [#access] => 1 [#value] => [#weight] => 1 [#printed] => 1 ) [#children] =>
Expected turnout:
Action Start Time:
2008, January 26 - 8:00pm

Evento multicultural de juventude, com música, feira de produtos jovens, grafite, oficinas de dança de salão, debates sobre juventude, cultura, cultura de paz, meio ambiente e política...
[#printed] => 1 ) [links] => Array ( [comment_add] => Array ( [title] => Add new comment [href] => comment/reply/1796 [attributes] => Array ( [title] => Share your thoughts and opinions related to this posting. ) [fragment] => comment-form ) [print] => Array ( [title] => Printer-friendly version [href] => print/1796 [attributes] => Array ( [title] => Display a printer-friendly version of this page. [class] => print-page ) ) [subscriptions_add_node] => Array ( [title] => Subscribe post [href] => subscriptions/add/node/1796 [attributes] => Array ( [title] => Receive an e-mail whenever a comment is posted to this Action. ) ) [hidden-hide] => Array ( [title] => hide [href] => hidden/node/1796/hide ) [hidden-report] => Array ( [title] => report [href] => hidden/node/1796/report ) ) ) [node_url] => /eng/node/1796 [page] => 1 [teaser] => [terms] =>

    * CDDHBV
    * PT
    * Proposed
    * Brasil
    * Ceará
    * Boa Viagem
    * 63870000
    * cultura de paz
    * juventude

[submitted] => Submitted by Carlos Alexandr... on Thu, 12/20/2007 - 10:16. [zebra] => odd [id] => 1 [directory] => sites/ [is_front] => )


Searched words: 
print all variables for a node tpl drupal php print available variables php defined variables get_defined_vars


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