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Review of Revision Moderation Modules – complex, most sites do not need its advanced permissions, well maintained, does NOT allow handling of not-yet-published content in the same workflow. Even worse, you cannot use Drupal core capabilities to leave unpublished, review, and then publish, because it takes over these settings per content type. There are no bulk operations for publishing revisions; indeed, a block needs to be enabled and you must be on the node view or edit page to use it. You have to set it manually and separately from the first edit to a review state o 'review' (from 'none'. Then you have to go through its stupid block again to update from 'review' to 'approve'. But you aren't done yet! Now you have to follow the same process to get from 'approve' to 'live'. More than the cumbersome workflow, however, the automatic publishing of content (which then shows up in views), that is, the breaking of Drupal's basic moderation capabilities for new, unpublished content, is an absolute dealbreaker. – simplest but not well maintained. Still, functional and fairly well-used.

Current pick:
And a simple guide that could be simplified a bit:

It's biggest lack is any functionality for mass publishing of revisions, although it hints that Module Grants Monitor is supposed to make this possible in the main content admin page and in Views (presumably with Views Bulk Operations), but i found no such functionality. Also, why in the world does Module Grants Monitor, via the Smart Tabs (smart_menus) dependency, require the Profile module?

It is the most complex but it is also well maintained. Many sites probably do not need to set up its advanced permissions (nor the Module Grants module), but Revisioning module's handling of not-yet-published content in the same workflow as unpublished revisions is the best.

Searched words: 
revise, revisions, Drupal versions, view, approve drupal alternative to revision moderation


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