User login

Piston not found after installation, setting bash paths

vi ~/.bashrc

Set path for Piston

export PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.8/bin

source ~/.bashrc

server:~$ sudo vi /root/.bashrc
server:~$ source /root/.bashrc


restart bash

ben@server:~$ sudo /bin/bash --login

root@server:~# piston -h
Usage: piston [options]
-v, --verbose Show subversion commands and results as they are executed
-q, --quiet Do not output any messages except errors
-r, --revision=REVISION
-u, --show-updates Query the remote repository for out of dateness information
-l, --lock Close down and lock the imported directory from further changes
--dry-run Does not actually execute any commands
--force Force the command to run, even if Piston thinks it would cause a problem

root@server:~# exit
ben@server:~$ sudo piston -h
sudo: piston: command not found

/srv/scripts/ 5 jonassoftware


/srv/scripts/ line 20: piston: command not found


Using Sudo

How to override SECURE_PATH in sudo?

add user to sudo group

sudo adduser ben sudo

ben@server:~$ sudo piston --helpUsage: piston [options]
-v, --verbose Show subversion commands and results as they are executed
-q, --quiet Do not output any messages except errors
-r, --revision=REVISION
-u, --show-updates Query the remote repository for out of dateness information
-l, --lock Close down and lock the imported directory from further changes
--dry-run Does not actually execute any commands
--force Force the command to run, even if Piston thinks it would cause a problem

but it still doesn't work when run as a script

useful for the Vi commands G and o if nothing else:

What path sudo use: (no definitive solution)

Finally! A reasonable workaround:

Re: sudo PATH problem
Originally Posted by MicahWedemeyer

When I installed rubygems (a development tool for Ruby), it installed several useful tools in the /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin directory. Some of these would be nice to run as root.
I'd take a different strategy there. If there are not too many files in that directory and if their names do not collide with any system-relevant program name (please check that before you do anything) you could create symbolic links between the files in /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ to /usr/bin/ ... So all the files in /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/ would also be reachable via /usr/bin ... I am sure "sudo" can find stuff there regardless of what the differences between the $PATH variables between the various accounts are ... /usr/bin is most likely always in the list any account will look into when searching for a program.

Another idea could be to modify /etc/environment .... As far as I can tell that file defined the system-wide $PATH variable every account gets on a system?


Searched words: 
Add to sudo path linux add command to path debian add user to sudo group


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