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Manually replace the body of an Activitystream node

Manually updated twitter feed post:

after that they should properly have the twitter name in the title, but not in the body.

and by manually updated, i mean activitystream breaks the bloody node edit form somehow.

Since i only want to do D7 development, and this is D6, i bailed pretty early and made the change direct in the live database (after careful investigation of course).

select * from node where type='activitystream' ORDER BY nid DESC LIMIT 5;

select n.nid, n.title, body from node n LEFT JOIN node_revisions nr on n.nid = nr.nid where n.type='activitystream' ORDER BY nid DESC LIMIT 3;

UPDATE node_revisions SET body='is pretty excited about all the projects in the works!' WHERE nid=1270;


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