Features | drupal.org
The features module enables the capture and management of features in Drupal. A feature is a collection of Drupal entities which taken together satisfy a certain use-case.
Features provides a UI and API for taking different site building components from modules with exportables and bundling them together in a single feature module. A feature module is like any other Drupal module except that it declares its components (e.g. views, contexts, CCK fields, etc.) in its .info file so that it can be checked, updated, or reverted programmatically.
Requirements & compatibility
1.0-x branch of Features
- requires context 2.0-x
- is compatible with spaces 2.0-x
- tested with views 2.5
- tested with imagecache 2.0-beta8
- tested with cck 2.2
Drush integration
While Features provides a Drupal UI for building and managing features, developers will quickly find benefit from several useful drush commands:
- features List all available features for your site.
- features export [context identifier] Export a feature and all its components starting from a context.
- features update [feature name] Update a feature module's code definitions from any overrides in the database.
- features revert [feature name] Revert any components that have overrides in the database back to their default state.