The business of Drupal - Notes from the Drupal Executive Days Meeting in Brussels | ISTOS srl - Drupal-based web development
Excellent writeup. Worth reading a lot more than the conclusion excerpted here. Talks about the goald of having more Drupal developers, connecting our present ones more efficiently. Agaric has been thinking a lot along those lines.
Right now all the companies in the Drupal ecosystem are young companies - and their executives are quickly learning both how to run a company and how to better do Drupal websites. The demand for Drupal work means that there is little time left aside for long-term planning. This, however, is a crucial exercise for the longevity of a company. We had interesting discussions about the challenges that service-based companies face and the possibilities for a product-based company within the Drupal ecosystem. We also discussed the different between Drupal where you have lots of generalist shops and something like Joomla where companies focus on specific products.
Once more, there isn't a single solution but the knoweldge shared will greatly help all of us in determining what to do.
There you have it - in all a great meeting that has certainly helped us to think more about what we are doing and how we should do it. Without wanting to sound to celebratory of one's own community Drupal has once more proved that it really is all about the community - a community that stretches beyond just sharing a common codebase.
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