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E-Commerce v3 shipping bug

Popped up originally when enabling all the e-commerce modules I was interested in at once.

Came up again at odd times, and fairly certainly would have been an issue if we had actually tried to use shipping.

When I caused a parse error in a PHP-input format node:

user warning: Table 'internetbar_live.microcommerce_org_ec_shipping_product_attribute' doesn't exist query: DELETE FROM microcommerce_org_ec_shipping_product_attribute WHERE vid = 5 in /var/www/drupal-5-live/includes/ on line 172.

On re-saving a page:

user warning: Table 'internetbar_live.microcommerce_org_ec_shipping_product_attribute' doesn't exist query: DELETE FROM microcommerce_org_ec_shipping_product_attribute WHERE vid = 8 in /var/www/drupal-5-live/includes/ on line 172.

Here's the solution:

We just disabled shipping module since Agaric probably won't need it until EC-4.


Searched words: 
E-commerce shipping error table prefix or other table installation problem


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