Drupal function for stripping spaces and unsafe things to make the system machine name
what's a function that does the job of replacing spaces with underscores, lowering case of letters, stripping out non-alphanumerics?
less complex than pathauto. i need to do what the content_type.js file does, but in php
Not what we're looking for (from form.inc):
$id = str_replace(array('][', '_', ' '), '-', $id);
A possibility:
function zen_id_safe($string) {
if (is_numeric($string{0})) {
// If the first character is numeric, add 'n' in front
$string = 'n'. $string;
return strtolower(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+/', '-', $string));
What bangpound is using in the fielderized taxonomy module:
'field_name' => 'term_'. preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/', '_', strtolower($edit['name'])),
Crell: Have a toggle for underscore or hyphen, and option to check for unique.
* Take a user-entered name and make it machine-safe.
* Replace spaces and all unknown characters with underscores and lowercase.
* @TODO get this into common.inc
function drupal_system_name($string) {
return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/', '_', strtolower($string));
But we need more.
Crell also suggested I use a flag if the string should be unique, but there's no clean way I see for this function to know where its string is going (and so know what is there already). No $unique = FALSE
function drupal_system_string($string, $replacement = '_') {
return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/', $replacement, strtolower($string));
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