User login

Creating a random password... the Drupal way

Lesson of the day: don't reinvent Drupal functions.

 * Generate a really lame random password.  This would be cooler with words.
 * Still, gratitude to Jon Haworth, from whom this code was taken.
 * <a href="
" title="
</a> */
function changents_tl_au_rand_password($length = 5) {
// start with a blank password
$password = "";


// define possible characters
$possible = "23456789abcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
// set up a counter
$i = 0;
// add random characters to $password until $length is reached
while ($i < $length) {


// pick a random character from the possible ones
$char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
// we don't want this character if it's already in the password
if (!strstr($password, $char)) {
$password .= $char;


// done!
return $password;  

Practically the same result - and almost the exact code - as Drupal's own user_password function. (Haworth's code does have a step to prevent a letter from being used twice, but I was considering taking that out anyway.)

So we'll just use that, and pass in the shorter length we want.


Searched words: 
make random password generate pass assorted string of letters php random password generator


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