Community tagging solutions for Drupal, a comparision
From Gábor Hojtsy:
if you need real folksonomy support (per user tagging, editing of own tags, personal tag clouds but still powering a common tag set), you need to look into a contributed module. Interestingly there are two similar solutions for the problem: the community_tags module and the taxonomy_user module. Since I need this functionality for a project, I needed to look at them, so here is a rundown of the differences I see from looking at their implementation.
This is an ecosystem Community-managed Taxonomy (CMT) should live in. A must-read, as Agaric hasn't planned to integrate "my tags" functionality into CMT, but all that data is being stored by virtue of the voting system.
Also, by creating a parallel system that reports back to taxonomy, CMT seems to have avoided some of the difficulties Hojtsy highlights.
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