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Adding Git projects to the KGB bot

Stefan set up the kgb-bot to post in the Agaric IRC channel when anyone pushes a commit to one of our repositories. These repositories are hosted on our server, and each one needs to have a very simple bit of configuration added to it and to the KGB server configuration when we add one.

Here's the easiest way for me to do that. For information about getting started with KGB in the first place, see

Re-starting the Ruby bot

Stefan graced the Agaric chat room with a Ruby bot that reports when commits are made. Sometimes it stops working (tries to rejoin the chat room, dies immediately) and it can be fixed by ending the Ruby process and starting it again.

sudo su
su stefan
top  # identify the ruby process or processes (PID), for this say it is 12345
kill -9 12345
rbot & disown

How to restart Drupal bot (and wish to automatically restart)

The first start

cd /home/members/agariclabs/sites/
php bot_start.php --root /home/members/agariclabs/sites/ --url

Older discussion about restarting below (uses test server paths)

To restart your friendly neighborhood drupal bot when it no longer responds to commands, first kill the zombie bot for real.

When you kill it, the bot disappears from the channels so you don't have to kick it out, and the re-started bot will be able to claim its proper name.

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