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Re-starting the Ruby bot

Stefan graced the Agaric chat room with a Ruby bot that reports when commits are made. Sometimes it stops working (tries to rejoin the chat room, dies immediately) and it can be fixed by ending the Ruby process and starting it again.

sudo su
su stefan
top  # identify the ruby process or processes (PID), for this say it is 12345
kill -9 12345
rbot & disown

Set up RubyGems and RVM on Ubuntu 11

This makes the gem command work:

sudo apt-get install rubygems1.8

But more is needed...

sudo apt-get install curl ruby

We already have Git installed; if you don't you may want to throw a git-core in there. (And if you already have curl installed, you can leave it out of the apt-get command-- or put it in, it will work either way.

Vagrant and Virtual Machine Creation

Hi, Romy here, making my first post to Open Data, sharing snippets of resources and information I come across as I venture into the fascinating world that is command line.

This was shared to me via IRC by Sam Kottler, whom you should google and be jealous.

Vagrant is a Ruby-based tool for rapidly building and distributing virtualized development environments.

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