User login


Update a Debian user's password and passkey and grant sudo access

For a user named agaric:

sudo passwd agaric
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

From a different server with working id_dsa public key that had been cat'd into authorized_keys:

scp authorized_keys

Then back on the server to which we're updating this user, from your own home directory to which you just uploaded the authorized keys file.
sudo mv authorized_keys /home/agaric/.ssh

PowerToGNU: Linux and why free software hasn't given power to the people... yet

Con Kolivas has quit developing for the Linux kernel. He had made some very appreciated performance improvements for desktops, and quit because without a way to quantify these improvements in a test, they were not being accepted by the full-time developers, who are mostly employed by major users of Linux for giant servers.

This is an important point for every open source free software project, no matter how friendly we think we are:

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