User login


Running shell scripts

make file executable
chmod a+x scriptname

and don't forget to access as ./scriptname
rather than just scriptname


Unable to use Drush in local XAMPP on Mac OS X environment

Unable to use Drush on localhost site for unknown reasons.

There really is a running site at http://localhost/scf but through the command line it must be seeing something else– it's giving back to me the HTML for a Drupal site offline, database connection error page.

./sites/all/modules/drush/drush.php -r /sites/scf/ -l http://localhost/scf/ pm install taxonomy_enhancer

I don't get clearer than that...


Keep .DS_Store files out of your Git projects when developing on a Mac

Following Alex Miller's note on git ignore files I added this to my .gitconfig file in my home directory:

excludesfile = ".gitexcludes"

And created also in my home directory the file .gitexcludes with this in it:


Not sure yet if that relative path approach will work, or if I'll have to specify /home/ben/.gitexcludes...


How to CVS checkout best release of all modules of a given Drupal version [unresolved]

Adapted from my comments at mroswell's question about downloading all Drupal 5 modules with CVS on the Drupal Groups site. (The person who would know if anyone would, dww, says there's not a solution yet.)

Command to check out all contributed modules with a given branch tag. The name of the directory you want to check out into follows the "-d" and can be any name you want. I gave it such an odd name (alld5modules) to try to emphasize that fact :-P

Considering Capistrano for Drupal site deployment

All you need is Capistrano and an account on the deploy machine. This can be used and extended to deploy to several servers (also at once), move databases around, etc. The gain is that you don't need to login to the server. We can talk about that interesting technique tomorrow.

A nice feature is the ability to roll back to an older version if something bad happens. If this happens during deploy it rolls back automatically.


Getting around a subversion file lock on a live server

Another contractor on a project with us, and one way or another there came to be this issue with files modified locally on the live server— to which, in our own practice, we only ever update, so there can never be conflicts.

Update a Debian user's password and passkey and grant sudo access

For a user named agaric:

sudo passwd agaric
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully

From a different server with working id_dsa public key that had been cat'd into authorized_keys:

scp authorized_keys

Then back on the server to which we're updating this user, from your own home directory to which you just uploaded the authorized keys file.
sudo mv authorized_keys /home/agaric/.ssh

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