User login


Eclipse not connecting

Eclipse php browser failed to connect.

It had a good reason.

Forgot to turn on Apache.


Views creating blank rows? Check your node type filtering

The 'Items to Display' in Views is set to 10. The number of blank lines that show are the difference between the limit in Views and the actual number of items in the table. So in this example, there are 7 extra blank lines (odd/even coloring) in Firefox -- there are no extra blank lines in IE.

Agaric wrote:

First of all look at the source code in both browsers and you'll see that's the same, and it might tell you more about what the extra lines are.

Disable problem module through the database via command line mysql

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2266274 bytes) in /var/www/example/profiles/scf/modules/contrib/devel/devel.module on line 1377

mysql -u example -ppassword -h
mysql> USE example-dev;
mysql> SELECT name FROM system;
mysql> UPDATE system SET status=0 WHERE name='devel_themer';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Updating a module in Git (the hard way, resolving a conflict)

(Some old notes from Stefan that I had to look up, so putting them online).

yesterday night i learnt some git. now i can tell you the meaning of fast-forward.
when you create a new branch off another one and after some time you want to merge the changes and the other branch hasn't advanced it's a fast forward merge. otherwise a merge commit will be crated.
if you want to merge changes to the original branch you forked off you should firts pull any changes from that one before merging or tou risk losing commits.

Git push failed.

One character patch to location module to get rid of senseless too many empty locations error

Working on the Trade Justice "site sprint" to launch this long-running and ambitious project...

Remember to pay attention to timestamps for anything you send to RSS

Timestamps matter for content you push to RSS, especially feeds that are picked up by an aggregator.

This is another Agaric lesson brought to you by real lifeTM experience. I started a blog post a week ago, saved it as an unpublished draft, and then finished it recently, published it, and added the "Drupal Planet" tag that is registered to get picked up by Drupal Planet. The post promptly appeared on page five or six of the aggregation pages with the week-old content!


Cryptic Git Error Means There's No Git There

dan@mini9:~$ sudo git clone leftysbrew
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/dan/leftysbrew/.git/
Cannot get remote repository information.
Perhaps git-update-server-info needs to be run there?
dan@mini9:~$ sudo git-update-server-info
fatal: Not a git repository

Git non fast forward failed to push some refs WHAT?

sudo git push
To /srv/git/drupal-6-agaric-core.git
! [rejected] master -> master (non-fast forward)
error: failed to push some refs to '/srv/git/drupal-6-agaric-core.git'

Uh... right.

But do not fear! This error likely just means other changes have been made that you should pull in first.


When naming projects that will spawn a database, be mindful of 16 character limit

Stefan has set up fantastic tools using Git and Capistrano and Rake to rapidly set up Drupal projects for Agaric. This documentation, private on, will be generalized and made public once we've worked out more bugs in the system.

This post isn't about this system specifically so much as a general caution.

If you have any setup to aid your deployment that automatically makes a database or user based on your project name, you have to be aware of MySQL's 16 character limit and do something to address this before the errors.

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