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Needs Improvement

Workable solution needs improvement

Getting trained by Eclipse PDT: Opening an existing folder of files as a project

So you have a directory structure of a project, say it's a giant site you're taking over, and you want to open it as a project in Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT) to be able to use the project-wide search and other cool tools.

I just spent an hour trying to do it through File » New PHP Project and then naming the existing spot in the file system for the folder with all the code. This did not work. It completed without error, but if it were even creating the project I have no idea where it was putting them.

Creating a project in the default location did work.

Ask Agaric: Theater ticketing system help


My name is Sam, and I just come across your NYPHP 2005 posting asking for an online ticketing system advice for a small theater. I'm in the same boat as you, and would appreciate if you could point me in a good direction. [...] this is for a local theater that the city recently purchased, restored, and is seeking to use as a community asset. A solid, low-cost/no-cost, online ticketing system is the next step of this process.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give.


Hello Sam,

PHP optimization question; move assignment operation so it only runs when necessary?

@TODO: See if this construct is the same in development versions of content.module and ask if it would not be more efficient to move the $node = $form['#node']; line inside the if statement (or simply replace $node in there with the longer version) and so save a PHP copy operation when it is not necessary.

How to add users to or edit user passwords for a Subversion repository

add new users to an svn repository:

sudo vi svnrepo/conf/passwd


How to do graphics in a sidebar not the Drupal way

Note the title said NOT the Drupal way. That means this is a cautionary tale of how NOT to add changing promotional graphics to your site.

In a local checkout of the repository:

cd themes/example/images/home/
svn add example_graphic_one.gif
svn add example_graphic_two.gif
sudo svn commit -m "new graphics for front and story pages"

Note that this site is incorrectly putting its custom theme in /themes, rather than /sites/default/themes (or /sites/something/themes).

On production:

Ways to share private or pre-publication content with Drupal

Public Preview

This module allows public access to unpublished content on a per-content-type basis.

Drupal 6 Theming Question & Answer

themes have info files now?


regions are in there

and other stuff


like ya know how most themes dont have a search box you can activate from the them config page?

well now in the theme info file

you tell it you dont have it


and the button (check box) goes away


or that you DO have it etc


Agaric move site from test to production (for first time) steps

Superseded by Deploying the Agaric way

See also: <a href="

For with the project name adcshoes

An extra step for moving from test to live, from the test server:

sudo svn status -u /sites/adcshoes

(This shoes -- er, shows -- you anything that isn't committed to the repository... like settings.php)

In a shell script, create a database if it does not exist


if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = '". $dbname ."'"))) {
  echo "Database $dbname already exists.";
else {
  // go on and create the user, database, etc.
  // create the user

  if (!mysql_query("CREATE USER '". $dbuser ."'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '". $dbpass ."'"))  die(mysql_error());
  echo "User $dbuser created.\n";

Ask Agaric: Drupal for Artists

This question came from a fellow couchsurfer.

We are dedicating our selfs almost all summer to learn drupal and make a website for artists.

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