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Original Edit Term module project page text

Current text and project:

Edit term provides a block on taxonomy listing pages with links to edit taxonomy terms .

UPDATE: With a patch from new co-maintainer Dan Morrison (dman), edit_term will become 75% more Drupaly as it provides edit and view tabs directly on taxonomy listing pages.

phptemplate callback result when given $form directly

Background research that was eventually distilled into:

What we gave, $form:

function phptemplate_user_register($form) {
    return $output;

A silly trip through the innards of views theming: output plain link with no HTML

Spoiler: if you want a plain value of a field to be output plain without surrounding <div class="field-item"> tags, make sure to select "Do not group multiple values".

Now for the masochists, let's follow how I found this out the really, really, really hard way!

Amazing what's available to a simple view in Drupal 5.

A views-list-agaric_view_name.tpl.php with the following sole contents:

Check out Drupal version to a specific directory from CVS

Check out Drupal 5 to a directory called "drupal5" -- note the use of the -r and -d flags, and the final drupal is not the directory you put it in, but the directory you are getting it from on!

Current model for getting core for Agaric's centrally managed system:

cvs -z6 co -r DRUPAL-5-9 -d drupal-5 drupal

And then update to version numbers:

cvs update -r DRUPAL-6-5 -dP

OpenLazslo DrupalCon Boston Session notes

First half of OpenLaszlo and Jquery session:


LSZ code

can get XML out of Drupal pretty easily
1. write a custom query
2. phptemplate
(both grand hacks, but really useful)
4. services

Useful for more than Laszlo

PHPTemplate method

if ($node->type == 'xml' && $_GET['xml'] == 'true') {


You need to know about exit for XML.

You can't return anything.

Views method

Views is way more flexible

Chris DiBona on the history of open source free software, live from DrupalCon Boston

Google and open source

Laura Scott:

We've done most of our growth in the past year

Television sucks
the web sucks
but on the web you get to pick what you want

open source world is part of the answer

popsci session and coming

Chris DiBona

I've been overly influenced by my six year old...

Open Source is Magic

instead of my usual boring, Google is awesome presentation

most of my gray hair came from my first summer of code

Chandler and Meetup Calendar Integration


I am a member of several Meetup groups and I am also a user of Chandler - - an open source free software personal information manager available for Mac, Linux, and Windows (plus a web version). It is committed to standards of course and I know can accept calendar events in the currently most common format, .ics.

Set a default value for a CCK checkbox

Resolution: this is built into the field configuration GUI (graphical user interface)! Right under "Label." No need for anything fancy. I am a failure as a Drupal expert.

no working answer:

Default value for CCK Check box field

Example for allowed values php code?

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