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How to grep through insanely nested folders to find a string

Agaric forever owes a huge debt of gratitude (and a drink or something) to jmorahan, IRC hero.

I think I have a menu_rebuild that's being called way too often. What is the unix command for looking through everything in a whole nested directory, from Drupal root on down? grep something something menu_rebuild something something?
(please don't tell me to 'man grep' -- that's what I did and why what little I knew about how to use it has been lost, as evidenced by this query)

grep -nHR menu_rebuild /path/to/drupal/root

GMap sometimes not showing up on a custom front page call

This thread may be related to both our binary log clogging by cache menu and the problem at hand here, the map not displaying some of the time:

Google Map script loads on every page

bdragon - February 6, 2007 - 14:45
Here's what's happening:

Date and Calendar or Event module for WSF? just switched to Date + Calendar

We're with Event for now.


Cannot modify header information, output started at .module:1 error SOLVED

This problem caused white screens after form submission (not exactly white screens of death, as the form submitted successfully and you could keep browsing by reloading, but a tad annoying and disconcerting all the same) and also made our Captcha image disappear.

And of course the mean red Drupal warning that told us exactly where the problem lay.

Here's bits and pieces of the error message:

warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at
.module:1) on line 141.

Theme Views FastSearch Search Bar

This implementation of hook form_alter (use your own module name instead of wsf_action) will cut down on the giant textfield used by Views FastSearch by default.

The commented out code is what you can use to identify what the heck is going on in any form.

Theming node creation forms to split up taxonomy input fields by vocabulary

The otherwise excellent documentation Using Theme Override Functions For Forms doesn't work too well for core forms like the node form. What that documentation is actually about is creating your own overridable theme functions for your own custom forms.

It's a somewhat different approach to overriding core forms. And even though you may have a custom content type "custom" you cannot override its form with theme_node_custom_form, sadly.

Print a block directly from a theme

Completely revised and updated: print a block directly in a theme or page the Agaric way

Print block directly in a theme with its title

Calling a GMap View from a theme, the hacky way

OK, so the situation is that we have a custom front page, page-front.tpl.php and we want to call a GMap view.

GMaps does not like to be shown through a view called directly by a theme.

We tried every possible way we could think of including drupal_add_js() in modules and the page-front.tpl.php and nothing worked.

Ultimately, we put the two <script > javascript lines that were missing (using the sophisticated technique of viewing source on the view/map page that worked and the home page that didn't).

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