Writing in ASCIIdoc with Asciidoctor for easy creation of book-quality PDFs
Note: I'm doing this because Leanpub (like atlas.oreilly.com) appears to be keeping proprietary the software for generating PDFs, ePub, Mobi etc from their open standard Markua. At least i couldn't find anything searching 'publish "markua" to PDF'. And Leanpub charges $99 to start writing a book with their toolset.
I followed the Debian instructions at http://asciidoctor.org/
Also gets a mention here: http://asciidoc.org/INSTALL.html
And I followed the gem install instructions for Asciidoctor PDF:
Which is basically the same instructions as at http://asciidoctor.org/docs/convert-asciidoc-to-pdf/
asciidoctor-pdf basic-example.adoc
Which they say is shorthand for "asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-pdf -b pdf basic-example.adoc" but i'm a bit worried since the man page of my asciidoctor doesn't show an "r" flag.
Next: http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-writers-guide
And: https://daveyshafik.com/archives/70014-authoring-with-the-atom-text-editor.html
See also, this fact from asciidoctor.org home page:
Asciidoctor also runs in JavaScript. We use Opal to transcompile the Ruby source to JavaScript to produce Asciidoctor.js, a fully-functional version of Asciidoctor that works in any JavaScript environment, such as a web browser or Node.js. Asciidoctor.js is used to power the AsciiDoc preview extensions for Chrome, Atom, Brackets and other web-based tooling.
using a2x with asciidoc make pdf
Never did figure out tha a2x approaches, which seem to assume an older way of installing asciidoc...
What an ASCIIdoc document looks like,
= Document Title
Doc Writer <doc@example.com>
:doctype: book
//:source-highlighter: coderay
:source-highlighter: rouge
:listing-caption: Listing
// Uncomment next line to set page size (default is A4)
//:pdf-page-size: Letter
A simple http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc] document.
== Introduction
A paragraph followed by a simple list with square bullets.
* item 1
* item 2
Here's how you say "`Hello, World!`" in Prawn:
.Create a basic PDF document using Prawn
require 'prawn'
Prawn::Document.generate 'example.pdf' do
text 'Hello, World!'
via https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-pdf/master/examples/basic-example.adoc
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