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Drupal, project, life documentation. This is where notes go to try to earn their way onto

Everything CVS (data dump)

This has not been edited for human consumption: it's just a dump of every browser tab open for research into doing some more advanced work with the version control system CVS, which is the default for the Drupal project. Even some SVN stuff may have snuck in here. These notes are very much for Agaric's internal use!

This has not been edited for human consumption: it's just a dump of every browser tab open for research into doing some more advanced work with the version control system CVS, which is the default for the Drupal project. Even some SVN stuff may have snuck in here. These notes are very much for Agaric's internal use!



  • CVS--Concurrent Versions System v1.12.12.1: Overview

    Click Here
  • CVS Cheat Sheet
  • Ask Agaric: Learning While the Web Site is Made

    Would agaric design consider taking on a job for web development (say, setting up a personal website) and doing the work alongside the client, teaching them along the way, for a higher fee than normal?

    Would agaric design consider taking on a job for web development (say, setting up a personal website) and doing the work alongside the client, teaching them along the way, for a higher fee than normal?
    • Agaric Design would be happy to work alongside the client to teach how to configure and use the web site.  This is part of our normal practice, and would be charged the normal rate.

    Ask Agaric: Event Module and Node Types

    Q: For the record, what's the difference between a plain vanilla Event and an Event-enabled CCK content type?

    A: Event can (more or less) work with any node type. A reason for using a CCK node (say, content_event) instead of the event module's default node type would be the ease of adding fields--

    Q: For the record, what's the difference between a plain vanilla Event and an Event-enabled CCK content type?

    A: Event can (more or less) work with any node type. A reason for using a CCK node (say, content_event) instead of the event module's default node type would be the ease of adding fields--

    • A small box labeled description in place of the large box labeled body
    • A venue field, or a food field
    • Most worthwhile reason to switch: a 'price' or 'price range' field

    Nerd Tip of the Month: Mac OS X opendiff command (MergeFiles)

    Mac OSX's graphical enhancement of the unix diff command, opendiff (part of the optional free add-on developer tools) can be accessed through terminal like so:

    Ebony-697:~/Web Sites Data/LinkLocus/Power2Exchange/css ben$ opendiff style_old.css style_new.css

    (You can also grab the files through a graphical interface through [volume]/Developer/Applications/Utilities/FileMerge)

    Key, poorly documented commands:

    The Little Things in Life: Basic Drupal Site Set-up

    Two little extras to make a new Drupal installation that extra little bit better (it's the Agaric way):

    • Put a robots.txt in root.
    • Put favicon.ico in root, even if it's already somewhere else or called something else.

    And some contributed (third-party, non-Drupal-core) modules:

    Two little extras to make a new Drupal installation that extra little bit better (it's the Agaric way):

    • Put a robots.txt in root.
    • Put favicon.ico in root, even if it's already somewhere else or called something else.

    And some contributed (third-party, non-Drupal-core) modules:



    Moving a Node to a Different Menu Fails - Workaround

    (Drupal 4.7) Sometimes moving the menu entry for a category, page (I think), or other node will fail when done from the "edit" tab on that node.

    Don't panic.  Just go to administer/menu and edit the menu item from there.

    It's worked every time for us so far, but we rather hope this bug will be fixed in Drupal 5.0.

    (Drupal 4.7) Sometimes moving the menu entry for a category, page (I think), or other node will fail when done from the "edit" tab on that node.

    Don't panic.  Just go to administer/menu and edit the menu item from there.

    It's worked every time for us so far, but we rather hope this bug will be fixed in Drupal 5.0.

    Nice Menus drop down bug

    A good, simple module for Drupal called Nice Menus has an annoying bug (supposedly not on all themes, but certainly on most of them): It frequently loses the focus when the mouse moves from the top-level menu to a child menu, causing the drop-down menu to disappear as the user goes to click on it.

    Very annoying. (If you click and hold and move the mouse down, the second-level menu stays and you can then click on it. Not exactly a solution you can ask your users to do.)

    A good, simple module for Drupal called Nice Menus has an annoying bug (supposedly not on all themes, but certainly on most of them): It frequently loses the focus when the mouse moves from the top-level menu to a child menu, causing the drop-down menu to disappear as the user goes to click on it.

    Very annoying. (If you click and hold and move the mouse down, the second-level menu stays and you can then click on it. Not exactly a solution you can ask your users to do.)

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