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Drupal, project, life documentation. This is where notes go to try to earn their way onto

Inexplicable Access Denied Errors

I'm getting an inexplicable access denied error on the front page page node and a few others.

access denied drupal for full html?
drupal access denied on page don't know why

This assumes that you don't think you have any access control modules operating and don't want access control.

This comment seems to be the way to go:

I'm getting an inexplicable access denied error on the front page page node and a few others.

access denied drupal for full html?
drupal access denied on page don't know why

This assumes that you don't think you have any access control modules operating and don't want access control.

This comment seems to be the way to go:

One thing it leaves out, delete all node_access rows in your Drupal database except one.

node_access table to the following

nid 0
gid 0
realm all
grant_view 1
grant_update 0
grant_delete 0

Imagecache images not showing up?

Imagecache images not showing up? Check your /files .htaccess

SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006
Options +FollowSymlinks
# None
# RewriteEngine off

All that stuff commented out? Shouldn't even be there.

Thanks to CogRusty's comments.

Imagecache images not showing up? Check your /files .htaccess

SetHandler Drupal_Security_Do_Not_Remove_See_SA_2006_006
Options +FollowSymlinks
# None
# RewriteEngine off

All that stuff commented out? Shouldn't even be there.

Thanks to CogRusty's comments.

GIMP Tutorials

These are GIMP tutorials and resources, in addition to the GIMP Tutorials on the official site:

These are GIMP tutorials and resources, in addition to the GIMP Tutorials on the official site:

Using GIMP for editing Indexed Images

Problem: Gradient tool won't work
GIMP remove index channel
GIMP remove indexing
GIMP indexed channel

Some very commonly used types of files (including GIF and PNG) produce indexed images when they are opened in GIMP. Many of GIMP's tools don't work very well on indexed images–and many filters don't work at all–because of the limited number of colors available. Because of this, it is usually best to convert an image to RGB mode before working on it. If necessary, you can convert it back to indexed mode when you are ready to save it

Problem: Gradient tool won't work
GIMP remove index channel
GIMP remove indexing
GIMP indexed channel


blockquote>Some very commonly used types of files (including GIF and PNG) produce indexed images when they are opened in GIMP. Many of GIMP's tools don't work very well on indexed images–and many filters don't work at all–because of the limited number of colors available. Because of this, it is usually best to convert an image to RGB mode before working on it. If necessary, you can convert it back to indexed mode when you are ready to save it

Agaric's SVN repository structure for site maintenance and web development

ben@server:~$ cd drupal
ben@server:~/drupal$ svn add drupaldev
svn: warning: 'drupaldev' not found
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir drupaldev
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir drupaldev/modules
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir drupaldev/themes
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-contrib
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-contrib/modules
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-core-5
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-core-5/5.1
ben@server:~/drupal$ svn add drupaldev


blockquote>ben@server:~$ cd drupal
ben@server:~/drupal$ svn add drupaldev
svn: warning: 'drupaldev' not found
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir drupaldev
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir drupaldev/modules
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir drupaldev/themes
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-contrib
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-contrib/modules
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-core-5
ben@server:~/drupal$ mkdir vendor/drupal-core-5/5.1
ben@server:~/drupal$ svn add drupaldev
A drupaldev
A drupaldev/modules

Setting up a new Drupal site or upgrading from command line

Drupal untar tar.gz using ssh:

cd /var/www/


(Drupal version is just a for-instance.)

tar -xzvf drupal-5.1.tar.gz

cp -r drupal-5.1/* drupaldev/

cd drupaldev/sites/

The following applies if you have a subversion repository set up in which you keep your sites projects.

(A lot of redundancy in the paths here but quit yer whining.)

Drupal untar tar.gz using ssh:

cd /var/www/


(Drupal version is just a for-instance.)

tar -xzvf drupal-5.1.tar.gz

cp -r drupal-5.1/* drupaldev/

cd drupaldev/sites/

The following applies if you have a subversion repository set up in which you keep your sites projects.

(A lot of redundancy in the paths here but quit yer whining.)

Using the New Server

New databases should be created for different sites, unless there is there is even the remotest chance the sites will be related. If the sites are for potentially related projects, we should put them in one database to facilitate single-sign-on.

New databases should be created for different sites, unless there is there is even the remotest chance the sites will be related. If the sites are for potentially related projects, we should put them in one database to facilitate single-sign-on.

Intro to Drupal to a developer

Drupal is written in PHP. A lot of things (not everything) in Drupal is a "node". So from your perspective Drupal can handle the creation of content (as nodes) of any types and also the management of users logging in. Your module would create the ability for people to do something to content (a ratings module would be a good place to find an example of this), and also create user-specific pages listing the recommendations of people they subscribe to.

Drupal is written in PHP. A lot of things (not everything) in Drupal is a "node". So from your perspective Drupal can handle the creation of content (as nodes) of any types and also the management of users logging in. Your module would create the ability for people to do something to content (a ratings module would be a good place to find an example of this), and also create user-specific pages listing the recommendations of people they subscribe to. I don't know of an example of how to extend users (to add "subscribe to this user" buttons) but I'm sure you (specifically you!) can do it.

Random IRC knowledge

(I know, this isn't actually Linux sysadmin but it's on the same category of nerdiness from my perspective.)

After searching the world wide web for:

  • irc how do you refer to yourself
  • irc call by username
  • irc use username

Finally found all the IRC answers, from tomf__ on (where else?)

How to effectively use IRC

Specifically, referring to oneself should be used only for actions, and is done thusly:

You precede the action with /me

(I know, this isn't actually Linux sysadmin but it's on the same category of nerdiness from my perspective.)

After searching the world wide web for:

  • irc how do you refer to yourself
  • irc call by username
  • irc use username

Finally found all the IRC answers, from tomf__ on (where else?)

How to effectively use IRC

Specifically, referring to oneself should be used only for actions, and is done thusly:

You precede the action with /me

Porting a site to Drupal the Agaric Way (some notes)

Dan showed a new recruit how to do a port to Drupal the Agaric way.

Some points to note:

Dan showed a new recruit how to do a port to Drupal the Agaric way.

Some points to note:



  • the HTML used on the pages (converting some sections of content to lists - "<ul><li>" etc) and the need to make links where the content calls for links
  • creating a custom path for a node involves /replacing/ the existing path (a node will always be available at its /node/## address) with the new path-- not adding onto it. Furthermore, the good-looking path process can be automated (grabbed from titles) with the pathauto module.
  • Syndicate content